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No. Jerboas and kangaroos do not look the same. Apart from being much larger, kangaroos have differently structured faces, and differently shaped ears, tails, legs, etc.

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Q: Do jerboas and kangaroos look the same?
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How are Jerboas like Kangaroos?

Similarities between kangaroos and jerboasThey are both mammals, i.e. warm blooded, fur-covered vertebrates which breathe air using lungs.Both kangaroos and jerboas have long tails and short forelimbs.Both creatures use a hopping motion as they have long, powerful hind legs built for jumping rather than running.Both animals tend to be nocturnal.Differences between kangaroos and jerboasKangaroos are marsupials and jerboas are rodents.Kangaroos are endemic to Australia, while jerboas are found in Asia and northern Africa.Jerboas are desert-dwellers; kangaroos are not. Kangaroos may be found in the semi-arid areas of Australia, but not in the desert. They need regular water, so live in bushland and grasslands where there are rivers, creeks and waterholes.

Are jerboas mammals?

Yes, jerboas are mammals. They are rodents.

What do kangaroos look like here in Canada?

Kangaroos do not live in Canada.

What do kangaroos look like when they are running?

kangaroos look like people but with 2 legs hopping along the grund

Do jaguars eat kangaroos?

No. Jaguars and kangaroos do not occupy the same continent.

What is the jerboas enemy?

The jerboas enemy's are foxes, jackal's, coyotes, cougars, meerkats, caracul's, lynxes and servals.

Do jungle animals hibernate?

how do jerboas the animal offend or defend themselves

What eats jerboas?


Where do jerboas sleep?

In the wild

Which animals resemble large gerbils?

Jerboas and guinea pigs. Jerboas are also known as desert rats.

Where do jerboas live?

Jerboas live in borrows underground in the deserts in Africa and Asia.

Do wolves eat kangaroos?

No. Wolves and kangaroos occupy different continents. No doubt if they occupied the same continent, wolves would indeed eat kangaroos.