

Do kangaroos come from eggs

Updated: 10/8/2023
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7y ago

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No. As they are marsupials, kangaroos give birth to live young.

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Q: Do kangaroos come from eggs
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Do kangaroos babies come out in eggs?

Kangaroos are mammals, and marsupials, which means they are not born from eggs. The young emerge from the birth canal and crawl up to the pouch where they continue their development. The only mammals hatched from eggs are monotremes, which include just platypuses and echidnas.

Do kangaroos have babies or eggs?

they have babies called Joeys.

Where did kangaroos come from?


Do Kangaroos come from Canada?

No Australia

Do kangaroos hatch eggs?

No, the young are born, but then crawl into a pouch where they continue developing.

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Where are the kangaroo eggs laid?

Kangaroos do not lay eggs. They are marsupials, not monotremes, and therefore are not egg-laying mammals like platypuses and echidnas. Their offspring are born live.

Do kangaroos they lay eggs or give birth?

Kangaroos are marsupials (mammals with pouches) and give live birth to a fetus. This fetus contiues to grow and develop in the kangaroos front pouch until it reaches a certain age to where it can fend for itself.

Do kangaroos have eggs or live birth?

They are born not in an egg, they are born as kangaroos just like humans are born as humans and not in an egg

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Geckos come from eggs. Geckos come from eggs.

What is the Collective term for kangaroos?

Kangaroos may be referred to most commonly in mobs. However they may also come in troops, or courts (least common).

Are all kangaroos wild?

Most kangaroos are wild. Kangaroos that are kept in wildlife sanctuaries which are open to the public tend to be used to people. In these places, the gentler kangaroos are kept in huge, fenced paddocks where visitors can roam and feed the kangaroos on grain they purchase from the sanctuary shop. These kangaroos will graze contendedly despite the presence of humans, or come up to people, nuzzling them for food. In one or two states of Australia, kangaroos are permitted to be kept as pets, but not in suburban areas.