

Do kids go to school in Germany?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes, school attendance is compulsory in Germany until the age of 16.

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Q: Do kids go to school in Germany?
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Do all children go to school in Germany?

German kids have to go to school.

How many hours do the Germany kids go to school for?

9 hours

Do the kids in Germany go to school all year?

probably yes

How long do kids go to school in Germany?

In Germany, children typically attend school for 12-13 years. This includes 4 years of primary school (Grundschule) and then either 8 or 9 years of secondary school (Hauptschule, Realschule, or Gymnasium) depending on the type of school they attend and their individual pathway.

Do kids go to school?

Yes, most kids go to school.

Do kids go to school in Mali?

yes kids in mali do go to school.

How do kids in Germany get to school?

they usually use the bus

How many days do kids in germany go to school?

180 days per year, the exact same as American students.

Do kids in Kenya go to school?

yes,Kids do go to school in Kenya,But not all......

Where do Indonesia kids go to school at?

Indonesian kids which lucky enough will attend private school. But I think Indonesian kids mostly go to state school. There are also kids go to a muslim school ( MI / MTs / MA ) and kids from overseas attend international school.

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About 38 million kids go to school in Washington.

What school does Garth Brooks kids go to?

His kids go to a sexual school far from home.