

Do kids need recess every day?

Updated: 1/22/2021
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11y ago

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I don't know that kids needrecess every day, but they probably do want recess every day.

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Q: Do kids need recess every day?
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Should kids have longer or more resses?

Recess? Absolutely! Kids need to run and play, blow off excess energy, and the idea of eliminating recess from the school day is incredibly wrong-minded and unhealthy.

How long should recess be?

School recess should be 30 minutes a day for every kid.

Should recess be banned?

ok. In my opinion recess could be band. You don't really need recess at all. I mean think about middle schoolers and high schoolersthey don't ave recess (depending on te state). Recess is a fun thing to have every once in a while but not every day. Recess is just somethin that teachers do to get rid of students for a little bit. Teachers need their time to (if you know what i mean). i hope i havebeen of some assinstince. and that's a poor question by the way.

Should recess be structured?

i don't think think that recess should be structured because every kid needs to have fun in their lives. i am not even a teenager and i think of those who are older than me and younger than me. if your school doesn't have recess and you're against that, take my advise and report it. if you want recess you should get recess. kids do hard work all day and you got to tell that to the people (dean).

Do kids have recess in France?

yes and they have some afternoons off but have to go in for half a day at the weekend if they do.

Why is it bad to have shorter recess time for children?

Schools are wasting money on equipment they don't need, only kindergarten should get that and schools are wasting time on recess when they should be educating the kids. Their totally missing the point of school; giving kids an education. They should get like two minute breaks throughout the day but not half an hour or one hour recesses with basketballs, footballs, and other play equipment!!!!

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Should kids have extra recess and why?

I don't think they should have an extra one because the reason why they got to school is to learn Japan and China have their kids go to school way longer than us and they only get Sunday off in some schools. We only think this way because we are Americans and only think about more more more.

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The day for kids is every day including mothers and fathers day

Why do they call a break recess?

should older kids be allowed to have recess ______________________________ It's healthy. All kids should be able to go outside and exercise. For me gym class is how I get exercise during school, but it is nothing like recess. Recess is a time during school when kids feel free. ***ADDENDUM Kids are metabolically different than adults. Since they haven't been alive long, they percieve time differently. An hour is an eternity for a child. They need to get out, take a break and run around or else they'll get antsy and lose focus. Recess allows kids a chance to "reset."

Why should elementary schools ban recess?

Elementary schools should not ban recess. Children need time to take a break from being in the classroon all day, and they also need the exercise.

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900 thousand kids are bullied every day in Canada.