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To begin with, koalas do not have kids. Goats have kids; koalas have joeys. Secondly, a female koala usually has one single joey each year, although twins have been known on rare occasions.

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Q: Do koalas have a lot of kids or not a lot?
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Adult koalas are simply called koalas.

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Koalas are not primates. Koalas are marsupials.

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No. There are no koalas in Ghana. Koalas are native to Australia alone.

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There are no koalas in Germany. Koalas are endemic to eastern Australia.

What is Australia' native animal?

Wow, there are a lot of them. Okay, here we go. There are Kangaroos, Koalas, Dingoes Wallabies, Platypus, and all kinds of crazy lizards and Spiders.

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Is it dangerous to pick up a koala?

Yes. A wild koala has very substantial claws which can cause a lot of damage. Some zoos and parks have tame koalas, but the keeper must be on hand and the time limited for holding the koalas.

Do koalas have?

yes koalas do have necks