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Q: Do large veins contain valves to aid in blood return to heart?
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Do arterioles contain non return valves?

you find non return valves inside the heart, lymph and veines, avoiding fluids from flowing backwards > [veinous blood in veines and heart, oxygenated blood in the heart]. Lymph vessels have valves also. The portal vein though contains no valves. All arteries including arteriols and capillaries have no valves.

What brings blood into your heart?

The veins bring blood into your heart (they also contain valves to do this).

Where do venous valves channel blood?

They prevent back flow and help to return blood to the heart.

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How do the valves within the veins of the arms and legs help blood return to the heart?

Muscular contraction in the extremities moves the blood through the veins, the valves only allow blood to move toward the heart.

Who discovered that venous valves help aid in the return of blood to the heart?

William Harvey

Arteries contain valves that do what?

No arteries do not contain valves since there is enough pressure from the heart to force blood through these vessels without significant backflow between contractions.

What is the major difference between arteries and veins?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart. Veins return blood to the heart.

What returns blood to heart?

The veins return blood from the body back to the heart, then out of the heart to the lungs where it is oxygenated, then back to the heart and carried back out into the body by arteries. The blood in the veins is blue but is seen through you skin as a dark green.

What is the use of valves in the heart.?

The use of the valves in the heart is to have blood flow regularly through the heart. The valves pump blood out of the heart into the body.

What drives the return of blood to the heart in the systemic vein?

The heart valves and also the electrical impulses send to the musculoskeletal system.

What actions or forces allow blood to return to the heart?

The actions or forces that allow blood in the veins to return to the heart is that the blood in the veins is moving through the veins at a lower pressure, so the valves and muscular pumps withing the body help the blood circulate back to the heart.