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Q: Do larger objects have a lesser pull on smaller objects?
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Why do the larger outer planets have more satellites than the smaller planets?

This is because the larger planets have more of a gravitational pull. The higher attraction you have to other objects the more likely you are to have them around you. Some believe earth only has a moon because it collided with us from space.

Why do the planets not fall into the sun or fly off into space?

This phenomenon is controlled by gravitational pull. Large objects tend to have a large gravitational pull. Smaller objects are pulled in by large objects. The reason why planets are a steady distance from the sun is because they have a perfect amount of inward and outward pull.

Why can you feel and see the effect of Earth's gravitational pull on you but you cannot feel or see the effect of you teacher's gravitational pull on you?

Gravitational pull is only noticeable for large objects, stars, planets, moons. Smaller objects just don't have enough mass to make much difference.

Is a claw hammer a lever?

Yep! I am not sure what class but it is! Levers help lift heavy objects. Levers work by the farther you are from the fulcrum or pivot as compared to the heavy objects, the lesser the force you will need to lift or pull the object.

What is the earth's pull on an objects?

The earth's pull on objects is the force of gravity.

Why do planets revolve around the sun and not the other way around?

The sun is much bigger than planets and has more mass, so it also has more gravitational pull. Objects in space with a greater gravitational pull can keep smaller objects in orbit.

Why does the earth pull on the moon instead of the other way around?

Because the gravity of a larger object pulls the smaller ones toward them.

What happens to the pull of gravity as the distance between two objects increase?

The further two objects are from each other, the smaller the gravity, the equation for this is: Mass 1 X Mass 2 ---------------------- Distance Squared

How do all planets orbit the sun?

Through gravitational pull. The largest object will have smaller objects orbit it (objects close in size will orbit each other, but no planet is close to the size of the sun)

Why do you expect small satellites to be irregular in shape?

Larger moons have enough mass to gravitationally pull themselves into a spherical shape, and smaller ones do not.

Why are mars moons and the smaller moons of the outer planets an irregular shape while the larger moons discussed in the exploration are spherical?

Mars' moons are much smaller than, for example, Earth's Moon, or the larger moons of Jupiter. A large moon will have a larger gravity, which will tend to pull the moon together into a spherical shape.

Is Mars filled with gravity?

Filled with gravity? It does have gravity, just not as great as Earth's since it is smaller. The greater an object, the more gravity it has to pull objects close to it.