

Do life from other planets look like humans?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It has not been clear that there is alien life.

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Q: Do life from other planets look like humans?
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Because they are like other life planets they might be able to produce more life when Earth explodes.

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at the present, we do not know if there is life on other planets or what it would look like if there was

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We don't know if there is life on other planets or not. Most scientists suspect that there probably is life somewhere in the Universe other than Earth, but we've never found any yet.

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Because Earth is the only place where we can murder the English language and ask questions like, "Why life is possible only in earth not in other planets?"

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Currently no planet other than Earth is known to harbor life. Even then, the planets outside our solar system are so distant that we would have no way of seeing what that life looked like.

Does life on other planets?

life on other planets. their is for sure no life on any of the planets in our solar system but their could always be more on other planets. our solar system consists of one star, our sun planets orbit around it. orbiting every star in our Galaxy, are planets and we do not have the technology to find out if life exists on any of them yet. recently on the news, scientists have found a planet like earth but they are yet to discover weather or not it holds life. if you believe i answered your question correctly, CALL ME 04 0820 0401

Is there leaving things in other planets?

Yes there are living things on other planets. think of how many planets there are in this universe. It would be something like 1/100000000000000000000 chance of Earth being the only planet with life.

Why do humans want to visit the planets?

because they feel like it

Are alien's real and do they live on their own planet and have stuff like we do?

There are probably a billion stars in our galaxy, and probably a billion galaxies in the universe. We already know what there are planets orbiting many other stars; if there are planets around only 1% of the stars, that's still 100 billion planets. If only 1% of those planets are habitable, that's a billion habitable planets. If only 1% of those planets HAVE life, that's 10 million planets with life. If only 1% of the planets that have life have highly-developed life forms, then there are 100,000 planets with highly developed life forms. If only 1% of those planets have intelligent life, that's still 1,000 planets in the universe that have intelligent life; "aliens". We have NO IDEA if there are any other planets that have life, or intelligent life in the universe, or if those aliens - if any exist - might be willing or able to communicate with us. But I would like to think so.

Why is there is life on earth and not on other planet?

Beacuse earth has water air and Sun the moon has no air or no Sun or water only earth is a life planets the other planets are the same like moon they had no air or Sun and water

Could other earth-like planets exist in the universe?

Maybe, although we haven't found any planets with life-supporting conditions on them yet.