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Q: Do lions have any unusual feeding habits?
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No, it is no different than that of an orange coated tiger. It may not be as successful tho as it may have a harder time blending in to its environment.

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no, they don't

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The seahorse has many peculiar eating habits. It's main food source is human toes, which it eats as snorkelers swim by taking in the beautiful scenery of the coral reef. If there is a shortage of toes the seahorse will eat sponge from on the reef.

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Do goldfish have any unusual habits?

their memory span is 10 seconds, i think that by the time they can find something unusual to do they forget it.

Do lions have any adaptations for feeding?

yes they have changed their teeth and mouth design over centuries

What are a chupacabra's feeding habits?

Basically, whatever habits the story teller gives them; chupacabra are creatures of fiction and myth. They will eat some of the flesh of any animal, or human. Although their main love is blood.

Why are lions dangerus?

Because lions are carnivorous. Lions can attack any one any time.

How do lions survive in autumn?

Lions are pack and prey animals. In a pride of lions the male lion rules and protects the female lions from threats. However, the female lioness is responsible for killing and feeding the pride. This structure provides stability and safety for the pride.