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I would say no because minerals like zinc, iron, and calcium are not organic compounds. They are elements. Organic compounds are strings of carbon atoms with H,O,S,N and halogens bonded to them. Im not a doctor or nutritionist, I dont know if you would die with out zinc or iron. But its in our foods and recomended.

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Q: Do living things only need organic compounds?
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Why are all living things considered organic?

That would be carbon. The definition of an organic molecule or compound is one that contains carbon. Exceptions are for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and a few other carbon molecules by historic convention.

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Organic compounds need contain only one element, carbon. Please see the link.

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There are many, many thousands of organic compounds. You would need to specify which you are referring to

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Wut? you need beter grammer

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Any compound MUST be made up of atoms of more that one type - otherwise they are not compounds. The only common characteristic of organic compounds is that they contain atoms of carbon, but a lump of pure carbon need not be organic.

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It isn't strictly true, but generally ionic compounds are not highly soluble in organic solvents because ionic compounds need a highly polar solvent to dissolve well (such as water) and in general organic compounds are not as polar as water. Remember, like dissolves like. However, many ionic compounds are very soluble in a variety of organic solvents, just not as much as in water.

Do all organic compounds need to contain carbon?

Yes. That is usually the case.

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