

Do lizards like peanut butter

Updated: 4/28/2022
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I don’t think so

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Q: Do lizards like peanut butter
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Why does peanut butter taste like peanut butter?

because it has penuts

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i like peanut butter you like peanut butter we all have peanut butter as one big family

Why is peanut butter made of peanuts?

There is no reason, besides that it is the recipe for Peanut Butter and not Almond butter or Cashew Butter. It is for people who like Peanut products and like the spread in general.

Will peanut butter hurt deer?

Deer actually do like peanut butter, and no, it won't hurt them.

Can cats eat peanut butter?

they might like it but its bad for cats to eat peanut butter

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well duh, because its.... It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time!!! Where he at There he go Peanut butter jelly Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat Where he at There he go Peanut butter jelly Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat

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What are 10 uses for peanutbutter?

Spread on bread or crackers for a delicious snack. Use as a dip for fruits like apples or bananas. Incorporate in smoothies or milkshakes for added flavor and protein. Top off oatmeal or yogurt for a tasty breakfast. Make peanut butter cookies or energy balls for a sweet treat. Add to sauces or dressings for a nutty flavor. Mix into stir-fries for a unique twist. Use as a base for a savory satay sauce. Combine with honey or jelly for a classic PB&J sandwich. Use as a binding agent in baking recipes like brownies or bars.

Do platypuses like peanut butter?

No. Platypuses have no interest at all in peanut butter (or peanut paste as it is still known in many parts of Australia).

What illegal drug smells like burnt peanut butter?

put peanut butter in your nose then every drug will.