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Not really. It depends on wear you work. Most makeup artist wear all black but its not a "uniform."

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Q: Do make-up artist's have a uniform?
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Related questions

What magazines cater to makeup artists?

The Makeup Artist Magazine is a publication devoted exclusively to makeup artists. It includes relevant stories to the makeup artistry world, as well as guides and tips.

What is free lance makeup?

Not sure about freelance makeup, but freelance makeup artists work for themselves.

What are some of the most famous makeup artists?

You can find a roster of notable makeup artists online at a few websites online. They offer bios and client lists for the makeup artists. is a great place to find the information you are searching for.

Are there different types of makeup artists?

Yes there are many types of makeup artists. Some do makeup for people who are in a wedding and some do it for professional actors. I hope that helped! :) ~Marigold

Where can I read about makeup artists?

To answer this question you must first know where they are. Makeup artists aren't in a magazine, advertising themselves, as you're probably aware of. I would start looking into who does news anchor's makeup or live theaters.

Could Women officers wear makeup?

You mean women military officers? Makeup that is "conservative and compliments the uniform" is allowed by all four services' uniform regulations.

Makeup Artists Atlanta?

If you're looking for a makeup artist in Atlanta, you're in luck! Viola is one of Atlanta Makeup Artists that have a lot of experience working with various production companies styling both hair and makeup, to deliver your unique look.

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Why do professional makeup artists advise against using cheap makeup?

Cheap makeup is not advised by professional makeup artists because it can cause your skin irritation, break outs, and difficulty taking it off. Cheap makeup also doesn't have the variety of quality ingredients and tend to be more chemical based, versus natural in origin.

How do you become a Mac makeup artist?

All MAC employees are professional makeup artists. This means that before they are hired, they must have experience doing makeup in a retail environment or doing makeup as a profession.

Do make up artist's have a uniform?

Not really. It depends on wear you work. Most makeup artist wear all black but its not a "uniform."

How do you did Michael Jackson thriller go a human from a zombie?

professional makeup artists