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No,some male guinea pigs actually help clean and care for babies

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Q: Do male guinea pigs have to be separated from their babies?
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Does the father have to stay away from his baby guinea pigs?

Yes,he should be separated from the mother as well as the babies because he can cause serious problems to the babies such as pregnant among baby Guinea Pigs,injuries,etc. When the babies are at two weeks old,you should distinguish between male and female baby Guinea Pigs and separate the male baby Guinea Pigs from the females.You can put the male babies with their father and the baby females with their mother.

Can guinea pigs have babies without a male?

No, they need to mate to have babies.

Can a female guinea pig have babies with out a male one?

No. There must be a male and a female for the guinea pigs to have offspring.

Do you have to move your male ginnie pig from female?

If you want to breed your Guinea pigs,you don't want to move male Guinea pig.They quickly increases their population,so most pet owners separate males from females.Their pregnancy last for about two months and have about 3 to 4 babies. Male Guinea pigs must be separated from pregnant Guinea pig because he may cause too much stress for her and she can become pregnant again as soon as she gave birth.You should also separate male Guinea pigs from baby Guinea pigs.

Do female guinea pigs bite other female guinea pigs?

no because they are both female but they would fight if they wanted to make babies with a male.

Why do female guinea pigs chase male guinea pigs?

Well sometimes yes sometimes no, I have two Guinea Pig Female: Sofie and male: Darwin. I always check their behavior and my opinion: It's better to keep them separated. The female will always chase the male.

How do you know when guinea pigs are going to have their babies?

Their pelvic area will be separated just a week before they give birth.

How many times do guinea pigs have babies A YEAR?

Guinea pigs have babies quite often. Gestation in guinea pigs is somewhere between 63-70 days long. If there is a male in with her when she gives birth, then right after the last one is born.

Can female guinea pigs have babies without a male guinea pig?

Not unless some form of artificial insemination is being used to impregnate them. Female guinea pigs cannot self-impregnate.

Do male guinea pigs eat their newborn?

They can, so make sure you separate the male from the female and babies. Make sure the babies stay with the mother though.

What guinea pigs can live together?

male+female= babies male+male = might fight female+female= might become friends

Can female guinea pigs have babies without male guinea pigs?

Not unless it is the father, take out the father 2 weeks before birth as the mother can become pregnant 2 hours after birth, this is fatal to the baby's and mother, the father may kill the baby's if left in same cage after birth. thank you hope i helped