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Q: Do male lions mate once every 25 minutes?
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Do lions really only mate for 6 seconds?

Yes. They mate for six seconds at a time every fifteen minutes for a week.

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How do lions court one or another by reproducing?

Lions dont have to court one another. When females lions come to heat, the male lions that head the pride get the privilege to mate with them. Only the male leader of the pride can mate with the females of the pride and nobody else. By virtue of being the pride leader, the male lion gets the opportunity to mate with all the females in the group

How are lion cubs made?

Lion cubs are made when a lion and a lioness mate successfully.

What do you do after you found a mate?

If you are speaking of lions, the males will kill the cubs of another male, and mate with the mother of the cubs to ensure their genes get passed into the generations.

When do lions mate?

Sea lions mate on land (seals also mate on land)

Why do male sea lions fight with each other?

they fight each other beacause they want a mate to have sex with .

Do Cat mate for life?

Yes and no. Most species of cats do not mate for life. Only lions and some domesticated cats do. All other cats only pair temporarily and then the kittens are raised by a single mother. Male lions are in fact polygamous and would mate with multiple females at a time.

How long can a female and a male dog mate And when do you stop them?

The female and male dog usually mate for at least 5 minutes, it is difficult to stop them once they have started mating especially after the ejaculation.

Can dogs and lions mate?


When is a male lion sexualy mature?

Female Lions or Lionesses become sexually mature at around the age of 4 years. Male lions too mature at around the same age but are ousted by the pride leader (the older male lion of the pride). Male lions don't get mate around this age of 4. for nearly 2 years they roam around as bachelors and once they reach an age of around 6, they take over a pride by ousting the resident male. Then they get a chance to mate with the pride lionesses. Male lions have a time frame of around 2-3 years when they are sexually active and head a pride before another healthier lion ousts them.

How often can a male Labrador retriever mate?

can mate every 3-4 months, BUT IT ISN'T AS SAFE AS 4-6 MONTHS!!!!!!! :)