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any where living organsism can be found such as moss mongrove river sea any wet damp area

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sometimes marine biologists work in groups aqnd sometimes alone

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It is a very busy work environment, the study of marine animals and marine organisms.

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Q: Do marine biologists spend time in labs?
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What are the responsibilities of a marine biologist?

Marine biologists' primary duty is to study life in the world's oceans, seas, bays and estuaries. They study virtually all marine organisms, ranging from bacteria to blue whales, and their niches (environment and organism's relationship with it). Marine biologists are interested in new discoveries and food sources which then can be utilized in saving endangered species. They gather specimens from the sea or shorelines. Much of their time is spent conducting experiments, compiling data, and writing laboratory reports. When they have gathered all information available, they can create models which serve as predictors of a specific situation, such as the time it takes for a species to become extinct. Popular research topics include: analyzing the oceans via satellites, keeping records of marine populations, discovering ways to use biochemicals as pharmaceuticals, and responding to the effects of climate changes and chemicals on marine life.

Cons to being a marine biologist?

Marine biology is probably a depressing field at the present time, and likely to become more depressing, since the oceans are now both heavily polluted and heavily over-fished, and many species are in severe decline or becoming extinct. Marine biologists will find themselves pitted against the power of corporate greed, and that's not an easy fight.

How do biologists estimate extinction rates?

Biologists estimate extinction rates in a great number of ways. One way is to document the decrease in population over time.

Is a limpet a fish?

Limpet is the name given to saltwater and freshwater snails.

Why does skin cells spend less time during interphase?

Skin cells actually spend most of their time in the interphase stage. This is because cells spend their time preparing for cell division in this stage.

Related questions

How do marine biologists spend their time?

They spend their time researching and examining animal life in the ocean/sea !!

Can a Marine Biologist have time for other hobbies or own a business?

Maybe, since Marine Biologists have to make fundraisers to pay for their research. The buisness could be what they use for fundraisers.

How to Stand Out from Other Budding Marine Biologists?

The ugly truth is, it can be difficult to get a job as marine biologist. Many marine biologists begin their studies hoping to study colorful marine creatures or train marine mammals. These goals are definitely attainable. However, the really interesting jobs are highly competitive. If you want to become a dolphin trainer, for example, you need experience. Yes, a degree is necessary to become a trainer, but what employers really look for is experience. While you�re working on your degree, volunteer with your local zoo or aquarium. Apply for internships that deal with marine mammals. If you can�t get an internship working with dolphins or other marine mammals, find internships or volunteer opportunities that have to do with marine life. The more time you spend gaining experience and networking in the field, the better you will look to future employers.

Where do Marine Biologists's jobs take place?

I'm pretty sure it's in the water half the time and the other half in lab. hope this helped :)

What opportunities are there for being a marine biologist?

you get the satisfation of helping animals and you get to spend a lot of time with them

Do marine biologist have a retirement plan?

Marine Biologists who work for a company, business, laboratory, or other entity may receive vacation time and other benefits. The amount of time granted would be based on the company's benefits policies.

What are the advantages for a marine biologists?

Well, I will give you pros and cons. If you are fascinated by the topic of marine biology, then by all means do what you love. It is an incredible field of exponentially increasing importance in the scientific community. You get to dive a fair bit, spend time with animals, and you get to spend some quality time in the drink. The pay is currently $50k per year on average IF you get into a good position. As for cons, you are not always going to be on the water. There is a lot of time that you will spend reading and writing research papers with your colleagues and running experiments like any other scientist. If you are an independent marine biologist, then your pay will be too miniscule to live off of unless you have made a name for yourself in your field. My friend down in Fiji cleans the undersides of boats in his downtime to make the money for his living and experiments.

Do any type of reptiles spend a lot of time in the water?

Crocodilians, Sea turtles and marine iguanas.

An Inside Look at Preparing for a Marine Biology Job?

A marine biologist specializes in studying salt water organisms ranging from simple forms of plankton and algae to more complex creatures like sharks, whales and the great mollusks. Many marine biologists spend a substantial amount of time out in the field studying the various creatures of the sea in their native habitat, while others spend their careers working in a laboratory environment studying an endless variety of statistical data and conducting experiments relating to the movements of the oceans themselves or the effects of human activities on the overall marine environment. If you are interest in preparing yourself for a marine biology job, it is important to note that competition for these positions is often fierce, but there is crucial scientific work out there to be done by well-qualified scientists. Although there are some marine biology jobs available to entry level workers who provide logistical support to the scientists, true marine biologists are required to complete a substantial amount of formal schooling. If you plan on completing independent research in the field of marine biology, you will almost certainly need to complete a PhD in the subject. Professionals with a masters or bachelors degree typically work as members of a larger team that is led by an independent researcher. Individuals with a formal education in the field of marine biology can also often find marine biology jobs as teachers or consultants. As much as completing the necessary academic training to become a marine biologist can lead to a dynamic and rewarding career, it is important to note that many young scientists go through a period of disillusionment as the learn about the state of the worlds oceans. Most marine biologists confess to finding it extremely frustrating to see how difficult it is to convince individuals and organizations outside of the scientific community of the dire state of many regions of the world's oceans. However, it is the marine biologists of tomorrow that stand the greatest chance of developing real world solutions to help protect and restore ecological systems that have been damaged in the past by the process of human development.

How much money do marine biologists earn?

Marine Biologists make about $200, 000 - $300, 000 a year. Only about 1% of Amercans make that in a year.I'm a marine biologist and it depends on who you are working for I make $300,500 a year. It's a really great career. At times it can be difficult but worth it in the end.about £50,000 a year

What are the responsibilities of a marine biologist?

Marine biologists' primary duty is to study life in the world's oceans, seas, bays and estuaries. They study virtually all marine organisms, ranging from bacteria to blue whales, and their niches (environment and organism's relationship with it). Marine biologists are interested in new discoveries and food sources which then can be utilized in saving endangered species. They gather specimens from the sea or shorelines. Much of their time is spent conducting experiments, compiling data, and writing laboratory reports. When they have gathered all information available, they can create models which serve as predictors of a specific situation, such as the time it takes for a species to become extinct. Popular research topics include: analyzing the oceans via satellites, keeping records of marine populations, discovering ways to use biochemicals as pharmaceuticals, and responding to the effects of climate changes and chemicals on marine life.

Is a marine biologist an essential worker?

At the most fundamental level, a marine biologist works to research the sea and the life forms that dwell within it. There are varying degrees of work and specializations within marine biology. Marine biologists study not only the plants and animals that live in the ocean but also their habitat and how certain factors may affect them.Marine biologists work in a role where observation and research is a main focus. They conduct controlled experiments and observe how certain factors work within that environment. They may work strictly in this scientific-based role, or they may work on unscheduled rescue missions, using their knowledge of how sea creatures live and what they require.Marine biologists are considered to be experts in aquatics and are certainly subject-matter experts on different animals and plants that live in the sea. Because they perform research, marine scientists may conduct experiments and observations out in the field, at a specific site, or in their own laboratories for a more controlled environment. In addition to the research, biologists must perform any analysis and complete all necessary paperwork. In many instances, they must turn their observations into findings that can be used for a variety of different purposes and by a variety of different people.Marine biologists use their knowledge and experience in different ways. They may work strictly in a research role, where they provide findings for academic purposes. They may work in a laboratory as scientists running experiments that can benefit the animal community or even humans. They may work on rescue missions or to help support animals in the sea that are endangered or in trouble. They usually perform some level of observation, handle any analysis, and then turn all of that into usable reports.Training/Educational RequirementsWhen entering a career as a marine biologist, a scientist may find that a bachelor's degree may be the only requirement. For an entry-level role, the education requirement may be minimal because the focus is on building up the marine biologist's experience level. For aquatic scientists who wish to move on with their career, a master's degree will be essential. This is especially important for those who wish to handle research or move onto a more advanced role within marine education.Marine biologists are considered to be subject-matter experts on plants and animals that live in the sea, and therefore ongoing training is highly recommended. Keeping up with various forms of sea life and how they live is essential, and so taking workshops or attending seminars on an ongoing basis can be a crucial part of the job. This becomes especially important for those who wish to publish work or who wish to turn their findings into valuable action. It can be helpful if marine biologists focus their efforts on a certain area or specialization, and therefore any coursework or training in that area can be quite helpful.How to Get HiredThe best way to get hired initially as a marine biologist is to have a bachelor's degree in a related discipline. Having a degree, or at least some coursework, in marine biology specifically can be of tremendous help, though a degree in biology or similar scientific field can help an individual to get hired. As a marine biologist progresses in her or his career, experience will play a more important role in getting hired.Though there are a variety of different environments and focuses that marine biologists may target, they must have some level of experience in observation and conducting experiments. To get hired, it is essential to show experience in work that was key in a certain research area.Job Prospects, Employment Outlook, and Career DevelopmentUnfortunately there is not a big need for more marine biologists, because this is a rather competitive field. Currently the number of job openings is fewer than the actual marine biologists available for work. There are other disciplines within biology that also focus on marine life, and that means fewer job openings for marine biologists. Adding to the problem is that many universities are no longer offering degree programs in marine biology.Marine bilogy is often a misunderstood field, with many people not knowing the value of this occupation. This means the replacement of marine biology positions with a job description different but closely related. It can also be tough in some instances to get funding for the types of experiments and observation that a marine biologist conducts, and this means fewer jobs in marine biology.Working EnvironmentThe working environment may vary for a marine biologist. In most instances, marine scientists usually maintain some sort of laboratory where they can conduct their observation and experiments. They may spend their whole day in this lab or they may use it only part of the time. Marine biologists may travel to outside sites to handle certain aspects of research or experiments directly.As they are considered to be subject-matter experts on plant and animal life that lives in the sea, marine biologists may be called upon for rescue missions, such as oil spills, to which they may have to travel. Marine biologists may be called upon to help present their findings, and this may mean potential travel to larger meetings or workshops. This is usually not a job that involves a lot of stress, and the work schedule may vary quite a bit based on the level of work being provided.Salary and BenefitsThough the average salary for a marine biologist is about $50,000, this is a field where experience counts. The more experience marine biologist have, the higher they can expect their salary to rise to. In some instances, marine biologists with over 10 to 15 years of experience may earn upwards of $80,000 annually. As there are a variety of different environments that marine biologists may work in, their benefits may vary accordingly. They can usually expect to receive paid vacation and sick days, as well as medical coverage. Marine biologists may expect to receive a 401k or some sort of related retirement savings, and may even receive more in the way of benefits depending on the employer.