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yes, there are traces of bone marrow in marshmallows

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23h ago

Most marshmallows do not contain crushed animal bone marrow. Traditional marshmallows are typically made from sugar, water, Gelatin, and sometimes corn syrup or egg whites. However, there are some vegan marshmallow alternatives available that do not use gelatin but instead use plant-based ingredients.

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Q: Do marshmallows got crushed animal bone marrow in them?
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What makes jello gel?

=Bone marrow from animals. The animal is kill and and its bone marrow is broiled of the bone in a pot. They have tried to make vegan jello before but even that had bone marrow in it. You cannot make it without bone marrow because it helps it gel. It is also in marshmallows and a few other treats.=

Are marshmallows made out of bone marrow?

Most marshmallows are made with gelatin. Gelatin is made primarily from the bones and hides of animals. Some marshmallows are made with non-animal gelatin substitutes like agar. These are usually called vegetarian marshmallows, but can have a texture that is unappealing to many.

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Some gummy bears are not made of bone marrow, they are made of sugar and other ingredients. The normal gummy bears are yes made of animal bone marrow and high doses of sugar.

What are the two kind of bone marrow?

There is yellow bone marrow and red bone marrow.

Where white blood cells are produced?

White blood cells are primarily produced in the bone marrow, which is found in the cavities of bones throughout the body. Stem cells in the bone marrow differentiate and mature into various types of white blood cells to perform their immune functions.

What is the soft part on the bone called?

The soft part on the bone is called bone marrow, which is a spongy tissue found inside bones. Bone marrow is responsible for producing blood cells and storing fat in the body.

Are haribos made of boiled animal fat?

they certainly are, and crushed bone!

What is a bone marrow biopsy?

it is a bone that has a marrow in the middle of the musle that causes the bone to have a marrow biopsy

Is the bone marrow from the animal eatable?

The bone marrow located inside the bone. It is present in the bones of the ribs and in the long bones of the body. It manufactures red blood cells and white blood cells. It is not an eatable.

What are bone marrow made up of?

They are not made up of bone marrow, they just have bone marrow in them.

The substance inside the bone that makes blood cells?

Bone marrow.

How does the marrow in the medullary cavity compare to the marrow in the spongy bone?

The marrow in the medullary cavity is primarily composed of yellow marrow, which stores fat, while the marrow in the spongy bone is red marrow where blood cells are produced. Yellow marrow is found in long bones, whereas spongy bones contain red marrow in their trabeculae.