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Men do get weak especially if their orgasm is powerful. Some men become very sensitive due to the delay of having sex. The waiting and urge build anxiety and cause their sexual organs to be sensitive and make them

climax early. They will be weak and if very

satisfying they'll get dizzy.

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Neither has any affect on a mans strength or health.

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If you know what to look for - by looking at it through a fairly powerful microscope.

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Q: Do men become weak when they release sperm?
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they become sexually weak

Do the men know if a women release sperms?

Women do not have sperm. They only have eggs. The male releases sperm when he ejaculates.

Why you feel very weak after sperm comes out?

Its not weak, actually its relax. Ex: When we came from work and lay on sofa for relax, after couple of minutes when we try to stand up we feel very lazy, its not weak but it is because of body relaxation.

When do men release sperm?

When they get sexually stimulated, could be in the form of masturbating, or sexual intercourse.

Is it good a un marriage men do release sperm every day?

It is neither good or bad.

Why some men release sperms before sex?

Its called premature sperm. Its when a man releases sperm earlier than the woman during sexual intercourse.

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Men like the weak ones

What's the main reason men become sterile?

The main reason men become sterile is the cause of a low sperm count. One could also choose to become sterile and have a vasectomy so as to not have any more children.

Do old men sperm carry worms?

No, old men do not have worms in their sperm. Sperm will be healthy even when a person is not.

What are the release dates for Treasury Men in Action - 1950 The Case of the Weak and the Strong 4-11?

Treasury Men in Action - 1950 The Case of the Weak and the Strong 4-11 was released on: USA: 5 November 1953

Why the Japanese want the men to be weak?

Weak men could not offer much resistance.

Do black men have thicker sperm than white men?

No, the semen and sperm is the same for all men. What can change it is your diet.