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Yes because they don't feel weird 8990

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Q: Do men like when women shave their pubic hair?
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Do women like it when men shave their pubic hair?

Yes, men like women with pubic hair. All adult women have pubic hair, thus a man who is attracted to adult women (rather than children) likes to see an adult womans body. Some men may have a preference to their partners removing their pubic hair, but all men should expect and respect that adult women have pubic hair.

Do men like women to shave their pubic hairs?

What men like is irrelevant.Aside from the fact not all men share one hive brain, their preferences do not impact on how women personally chose to groom themselves. The fact is that adult women are supposed to have pubic hair, it's part of the role of pubic hair to protect the genitals and pubic hair is a sign of sexual maturity. Most adult men want a sexual partner who looks like a sexually mature adult, not like a pre-pubescent child.

Do girls like it when you completely shave your pubic hair?

Not completely just trimmed is what my gf likes

Are girls suppose to shave their vaginas?

Not really. The hair is there for a reason and the reason is ventilation. It's easier to get yeast infections if there's no hair and you're wearing tight clothes. If you do shave leave some. And who wants to look like a 12 yo girl anyways.

Do boys shave their pubic hair for an athletics cup?

No I have never heard of this. Hair shaving has nothing to do with athletics. Boy's in general do not shave their hair, but of course there are always some who will, just like in any walk of life. There is no reason why you need to shave your pubic hair in order to wear a "cup" but as in many things the choice is entirely personal and if you want to do it there is no reason why you shouldn't.

Does Britney Spears shave her pubic hair?

Britney Spears has never shaved her eyebrows, or certainly not within the past decade or so. If she had, the media would have been All. Over. It.

Do guys shave their pubic hair?

Yes, a lot of men shave their pubes.... But then again it depends.. Some women like men with hair or no hair.. But for your self.. It's up to you if you're comfortable with it! It does itch more but hey as long as the girl is happy!

What do most girls do about pubic hair?

Well some just let it grow, and some just shave it off. People are different. Like I keep my pubic hair, but other people might shave it off

How do you shave pubic hair without parents knowing?

Make sure to lock the bathroom door and use a small mirror to help you see. Choose a safe method like trimming with scissors or using an electric razor to avoid cuts or irritation. Afterwards, clean up any hair clippings to avoid suspicion.

What does a 15 year old girls vagina look like?

like a normal one. It usually has dark pubic hair on it unless you shave.

Is it bad to shave your pubes?

Hair removal for pubic hair has been a common practice for people in some Middle Eastern and Muslim societies for centuries. There has been a great surge in public interest for pubic hair removal services in our western society since the nineties due to celebrity endorsements of Brazilian waxing and the growing acceptance of skimpy bikinis like the Brazilian bikini that require a shaven pubic region to complete the sexy look. Without further delay, let's find out why hair removal for pubic hair is necessary for you.Top 7 Reasons For Removing Your Pubic Hair (In No Particular Order)Pubic hair in the pubic area is a hotspot for germs that cause foul odor and skin irritations. Shaving of the pubic hair will greatly reduce the likelihood of these problems.You want to look good in your bathing suit. An unshaven pubic area will destroy the sexy hairless bikini line look when you wear a bikini or a pair of swimming trunks.Islamic traditions recommend the removal of pubic hair and armpit hair. If you are a Muslim, you might be required to do it.Swimsuit models, lingerie models, adult film actors and dancers may be required to shave their pubic hair for professional reasons to look good for their professions.Your culture favors women with little or no hair in the pubic region and you would like to fit into your society as much as possible.Your partner likes your pubes to be shaved and it seems to intensify his or her pleasure during sex.You like to style your pubic hair and maybe even change your pubic hair color for beauty reasons.No matter what your motivation is, hair removal for pubic hair is increasingly necessary in our modern society. However, very little information is available on how to do it ourselves. This ignorance on proper hair removal for pubic hair causes unpleasant side effects like pubic pimples, pubic rashes, pubic hair bumps and ingrown pubic hair.

Why should girls shave?

some parts of the body need to be shaved do to your body and health and puberty so that's why you should shave unless your a guy then you don't shave