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Q: Do mennonite pray in Jesus name?
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Where does it say to pray in the blood of Jesus?

no where, its to pray in the name of Jesus

In whose name do you need to pray Jesus or in the name of Jesus Christ?

We can pray in either names Jesus or Jesus christ and he will hear us for sure.

Why does Joel go listen to Jesus in Bronze Bow?

Joel is curious about Jesus and his teachings, as well as the impact that he is having on people. He sees an opportunity for a new perspective that may align with his beliefs and values. This leads him to go listen to Jesus in the novel "The Bronze Bow" to understand more about his message.

Should you pray to Jesus?

No, you should pray to the Almighty God, Jehovah, doing so Jesus’ name since he is the intercessor between God and mankind. Jesus was his son and he taught that people should pray to his Father, Jehovah. This is who Jesus prayed to when he was on earth.

Since God is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit do I have to pray to God or can I just pray to Jesus since Jesus is God?

Jesus taught us to pray...our Father who art in heaven... If Jesus prayed to the Father then it should be ok for you too.

Is it better to pray to the creator of Jesus or Jesus?

Jesus is GOD so when you pray, pray through Christ Jesus so that your prayers may be heard. no other way but the Jesus. repent from your sins, accept him as your lord and saviour then, you are saved Answer Jesus is a God in his own right. When we pray we pray to the Father through Jesus Christ who is our medieator between us and God the Father. With the kindest respect to the first to answer, we are saved after all we can do in righteousness. We are not saved by God's grace but by our own effort here on earth. A sinner cannot be saved by grace alone. He must repent and sin no more. Niether will a death bed confession save us for we will have no time to do good works and prove our worth.

Do you have to be baptized in the name of Jesus?

Answer: Yes, and not only the name of Jesus (the son) but "baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" Matthew 28:19b (NIV). The name of the father is, translated, Jehovah; the name of the son is Jesus; and the name of the Holy Spirit will be revealed when Jesus comes a second time. Whether christ will come in a flash or for 37 years, both are claimed, he will reveal the name we should pray to in the new age. For example: Old testament (age of the Father) you would pray in the name of Jehovah, in the New testament (age of the Son) you would pray in the name of Jesus, in the age of the Holy Spirit we would pray in his name Yes. Jesus is the only name we're commanded to be baptized in. It's the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit: Matt 28:19 is fulfilled in Acts 2:38

To whom should you address your petition to God or to Jesus?

Jesus taught his disciples to pray: Our Father, who art in heaven. Phillipians 4:6 says to "Be anxious for nothing, but by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God." We do pray in Jesus name....for His glory. But we pray to God the Father, through the Holy Spirit that dwells within us, in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

How can you describe the power of prayer?

It is a connection to God. Christians worship God, cry out to God, pray out loud to God, and they pray in Jesus name.

Who do people pray to?

I am a main stream Christian and Pray to the God of the Holy Christian Bible. Specifically to God the Father, that is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I end my prayer in Jesus's Name as it was He who has given me the authority to pray to God the father and this was by His death and resurrection.

Whom did jesus learn to pray?

Jesus was God in form of man....he already knew how to pray....

Why should you pray in Jesus name?

God the father sent Jesus to earth to sacrifice Himself to take away our sin. This He did by dying on the cross, being buried, and then resurrecting the third day. Jesus by sacrificing Himself for us has given us the privilege of praying to God the Father. We now have free access to God. When we pray we pray to God the Father in heaven. And when we close our prayer we close in Jesus' name because it was He who has given us the authority to pray to God freely.