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Yes. What other theory is there?

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Q: Do modern day people still agree with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?
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Did everyone believe in what Charles Darwin believed?

Not at all. There are many people today that disbelieve any theory of evolution, not just Darwins.

How did Darwin influence modern views of evolution?

how has Charles Darwin influenced people about modern views of evolution

What is Charles Darwins discovery?

He dicovered how people have names and they are called b those names as a referrence

List of reasons why evolution is true?

There is strong evolutionary evidence by people such as Darwin.There is evidence in our biological structures ie: bones and DNA in particular.Although evolution (the theory) is debated there is very strong evidence (look at Darwins books and research)

How did charles darwin help other people?

he came up with the theory of evolution.

How does Charles Darwin's theory of evolution explain the existence of modern people?

It explains that modern humans are the result of a long-going and ongoing process of reproductive variation and differential reproductive success, punctuated by divergence between subpopulations and subsequent speciation events.

What is the name of the british scientist that developed the evolution theory?

The great Charles Darwin is most credited with the theory of evolution, but there were many before him that had similar ideas, and many people since have advanced the science of evolution.

Why some people did not believe Darwins theory?

because of religion

Why was Charles Darwin discovery important?

this is because he looked at how small bacteria evolved through the years & made us, US! Answer Charles Darwin propounded the mechanism of evolution of all life, Natural Selection. Darwin is important as he is famed for the theory that is the baseline of all biology, the Theory of Evolution.

Was Charles Darwin's contribution negative or positive?

A:To the extent that Charles Darwin helped us understand the mechanism for the evolution of species, his contribution was undoubtedly positive. The reaction of some conservative religious people to his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection was a negative contribution that, for some people, has held back the understanding of science by a hundred years.

Who developed the theory evolution?

The theory of evolution by natural selection was developed most fully by two men. Robert Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Since that time, a hundred and fifty one years ago, many more people have contributed to the theory.

How can Charles Darwin evolution theory can affect the living of the people?

Predicting how our parasites are going to evolve under the selection pressure of our prophylactic efforts is vital in the lives of the people.