

Do molocules move faster in hot or cold water?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Hot water, because they have more energy.

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Q: Do molocules move faster in hot or cold water?
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The water molecules in warm water have greater kinetic energy, making them move faster.

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no hot water will drip faster than cold water.This is because the molecules in hot water move around faster than in cold water. This makes it easier for molecules in hot water to slip right past other

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hot water molecules move faster with food can experiment it with the help of following steps:-Fill the glasses with the same amount of water, one cold and one hot.Put one drop of food coloring into both glasses as quickly as possible.Watch what happens to the food coloring.If you watch closely you will notice that the food coloring spreads faster throughout the hot water than in the cold. The molecules in the hot water move at a faster rate, spreading the food coloring faster than the cold water molecules which mover

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Heat is the vibration of atoms, so atoms move faster. That's why you can clean things easier in hot water and why smells travel faster in a warmer room.

How is temperature related to the motions of molocules?

Heat is the random movement of molecules. The faster the molecules move around, the more heat is present.

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Jelly dissolves faster in hot water because water molucules move faster at a higher temperature.

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It has more energy in the form of water molecules that vibrate and move around faster than those in cold water.

Do hot and cold water molecules move at the same speed?

Hot water molecules move a lot faster han cold water molecules because they have a higher kinetic energy due to the heat.

Why does not sugar dissolve in cold milk?

Even in cold water sugar will dissolve eventually, but it does dissolve faster in hot water. Hot water molecules move faster than cold water molecules and therefore can more easily break sugar molecules out of solid sugar and into solution.

Why do molecules in hot water move faster than in cold water?

Temperature is a measure of molecular motion. Fast molecules are hot. Molecules that move slowly can always be "heated" and then they will move faster and thus will be hot.

What happened to the kinetic energy of the hot water and cold water particles?

the particles of the hot water decreased by -20 which means that they where 480 calories transferred out of the hot water and the cold water increased 20 which means that they were 480 calories transferred into the cold water.