

Do mosquitoes have a good behavior?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Only if they are not black.

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Q: Do mosquitoes have a good behavior?
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What is the behavior of the mosquitoes?

Bite everything that moves. They are also mini vampires, grab your garlic and crucifix.

What good things do mosquitoes do?

Mosquitoes are eaten by animals such as bats, and without them those animals might come extinct. They also can clean pollution out of water as a baby. Get more info at google search what good do mosquitoes do to us? Hope you liked my answer.

Are mosquitoes born with diseases?

That is a good question! Mosquitoes do not die from the diseases they carry. Otherwise the would not get chance to transmit the diseases they carry.

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Yes, Montenegro has good behavior.

What is cold weather good for?

It kills mosquitoes. And snow looks pretty.

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Wax myrtles will repel mosquitoes, and rubbing the crushed wax myrtle leaves on your skin will repel the mosquitoes. Wax myrtles are quick-growing, aromatic, bird-friendly, and make a good plant screen.

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The behavior of someone that is growing up is from whoever is around them if there is bad behavior the child will grow up and have bad behavior if there is good behavior the child will grow up with good behavior.

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As is the case with most of the more advanced mammals, an elephant can have good behavior or bad behavior, depending on where it is and how it is treated.

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On our way to the baseball game, our windshield was peppered with mosquitoes

How do you say good behavior in French?

A good behavior is "un bon comportement" (masc.) in French.

Types of good behavior?

helping others and not asking for anything in return.