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Jesus lived a fully human life and death but was divine.

God came to us in human form to share our experiences and to show us how to live a good life. Finally he died for us and then came back to life to show us that there was more waiting for us after our existence here had ended.

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Q: Do most Christians believe that Jesus was human divine or both?
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Did Coptic Christians believe that Jesus was both human and divine?

Yes, it's true, Coptic Christians believe that Jesus has both a divine and a human nature.

Coptic Christians believe that Jesus was both human and divine true or false?


What groups believes that Jesus was both human and divine?

Coptic Christians

What do Catholics believe is truly and divine and truly human?

Jesus Christ, son of God, is truly divine and truly human.

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Of course, Jesus the true human and divine, the apostles the one who sent, the disciples including the gentile Christians.

How did Jesus become a Christ?

Christians believe that Jesus was and is Christ from the beginning of time. Unlike a human being becoming a Bodhisattva, Christians believe there is and only has been one Christ.

Why can't Muslims agree with Christians about the divinity of Jesus if they claim they both worship the same God?

A:Christians believe that Jesus is the divine Son of God. Muslims believe there is only one God and that Jesus was a human prophet and not in any way divine, although they accept that he will return to earth to usher in the Day of Judgement. On this much there can be no compromise - either Jesus is divine or he is not. Given that there can be no compromise, either Christians must give up their belief in the diinity of Jesus, or Muslims must give up their belief that there is only one God with no son. Neither alternative is likely.

Coptic Christians believe that Jesus was both human and divine?

false Actually the CORRECT ANSWER IS TRUE! they believed that he was "HUMAN AND DIVINE"! SO READ YOUR WIKI BEFORE YOU START TO POST THE WRONG ANSWER! sorry if i came off a little RUDE XD ^^Actually, they're right. Read your wiki.

What is the difference between Muslims and Christians regarding Jesus' Death?

Mainly,Muslims believe that Jesus (PBUH) is one of the great prophets and God Messengers. Most Christians believe he is God or son of God.Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified but lifted bodily by God Miracle to the Heavens. Christians believe he was crucified.Muslims don't believe in Jesus as the savior and believe that every one is responsible of his own deeds in front of God; the Creator. Christians believe that Jesus is the human savior of human sins.Refer to related question below.

What do Muslims that worship Allah believe?

Allah is the Arabic word that means God.Muslims worship God and to them He is the same God that the Christians and Jewish people believe in. The only difference between those three religions is that Muslims believe Jesus is a prophet, christians believe he is divine and Son of God ( or God himself in a Human Form), Jewish people believe he is just a normal person.

What was Jesus besides human?


Was Jesus really a human version of god?

Jesus was Both human and divine Christians believe that Jesus was fully human - with human needs and emotions (in the Bible we are told that he ate, drank, wept, got angry, bled, and so on). If God had not become fully human then salvation would not be possible according to Christian doctrine. Also, Christians believe that Jesus was fully divine - and not somehoow subservient to a 'higher' God. Christians believe that Jesus was the third person in a Trinitarian God - the Father, the Holy Spirit - and the Son, Jesus, all as one God, yet three persons. Although each individual in the Trinity has its own function (ie The Father alone knows when the end of the world will come, Jesus alone is the means to Salvation and will be the Judge of all, the Holy Spirit alone is the means for God to reveal himself to us), Christians believe that Jesus is fully God. Some sects believe that Jesus is not divine in the same way as the majority of Christians (eg Jehovah's Witnesses) but Jesus himself claimed to divine in many references in the gospels, as well as claiming to be fully human. He claimed it of Himself, and proved it by His works on earth, and proves it by the way He works in people's lives today. Taste and see, repent and trust in Him and you'll understand the why and the how in a much clearer way.