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Yes, well at least for Pyongyang.

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Q: Do most North Koreans have electricity - at least part of the day?
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Do most North Koreans own cars?

No, most North Koreans are too financially challenged to afford an automobile. Their primary challenge is getting enough food to survive.

In what ways do the north Koreans try to escape their country?

actually you are forbidden to leave or enter without permission of the government but the way most koreans escape is through south koreans tunnel which south koreans build to help north koreans escape in to south korea

Why does North Korea want to kill the South Koreans?

Depends, which one are you talking about, the recent one or the Korean war one? Well the Korean war one was because Kim Jong wanted the South Korea to reunite with North Korea with North Korea as the leader and the recent bombardment of South Korea's island was because north Korea said they felt "threatened" when the south Koreans did a live military drill near the borders

Why does Justin Bieber hate those North Koreans so much?

it's just racism, man. he hates all asians, he just hates Koreans the most.

What is the most common electricity outlet?

In North America the most common electricity outlet is 15 amp.

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What began when North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950?

when the North Koreans invaded the South Korea. Most of the South Koreans were killed, tortured, jailed. But help of many other countries like US, Philippines, Japan, United Kingdom,and other African countries, South Koreans were saved. General Douglas MacArthur planned "Incheon landing plan" or known as 인천상륙작전 made the Koreans to ger their territories.

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Nothing on that list is capable of generating electricity.

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Saskatchewan receive electricity through the North American grid.

What percent of Canadians have electricity?

It is estimated that at least 93 percent of Canadians have electricity. Most of the electricity and energy used comes from renewable sources.

Are all Koreans bisexual?

What? Most Koreans are straight, just like most nationalities. Some are gay, some are bisexual, but most are straight.