

Do most asteroids orbit in the same direction as planets?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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Yes asteroids orbit the sun counter-clockwise, just like all the planets

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Q: Do most asteroids orbit in the same direction as planets?
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Do all 8 planets orbit the sun counter-clockwise?

Yes, all of the planets in out solar system orbit the sun counterclockwise (anticlockwise) when viewed from above the north pole looking 'down'. Not all of them rotate counterclockwise on their axis though, the two exceptions are Venus and Uranus.

Where do most asteroids orbit between what planets?

Between Earth and Mars there is a large asteroid belt.

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You may be referring to asteroids, which are small rocky or icy bodies which orbit the Sun. There are many thousands of asteroids, most of which orbit between Mars and Jupiter. Most of the asteroids are too small to see, but a few of the larger ones are visible without a telescope.

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Asteroids are solid, rocklike masses known as minor planets or planetoids. Scientists believe that some asteroids are the remains of the solar system's formation. They orbit the sun between Mars and Jupiter. They rotate in the same direction as the planets. Most asteroids appear to have an irregular shape and are less than 1 kilometer in length.

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Most moons orbit their planet the same way the planet rotates. One of Neptune's moons is very different. That moon goes in the opposite direction of Neptune's rotation.

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Why most of the planets move in the same direction?

Its something about their orbit, but only scientists know the exact thing

Where do most the astreoids orbit?

Most asteroids orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter in the Asteroid Belt.

The sun and everything that travels around it?

Many things orbit the sun, the most common associated with orbiting the sun are the major planets: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune There are also asteroids, comets, dwarf planets, etc. that orbit the sun.

The sun everything that travel around it?

Many things orbit the sun, the most common associated with orbiting the sun are the major planets: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune There are also asteroids, comets, dwarf planets, etc. that orbit the sun.

What does an asteroid orbit around?

The asteroid belt is a doughnut-shaped concentration of asteroids orbiting the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, closer to the orbit of Mars. Most asteroids orbit from between 186 million to 370 million miles (300 million to 600 million km or 2 to 4 AU) from the Sun. The asteroids in the asteroid belt have a slightly elliptical orbit. The time for one revolution around the Sun varies from about three to six Earth years.

Why does Saturn have rings on it?

Saturn's 'rings' are actually asteroids, meteorites and bits of rock that orbit around saturn. In the very far future, most planets may begin to have these rings due to rocks orbiting around planets.