

Do most solids expand when cooled?

Updated: 5/25/2024
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11y ago

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Generally speaking, substances have the least amount of surface area as a solid, as they are heated they form a liquid and expand, as this is heated it forms a gas and expands more. *Assuming pressure is constant **Water is the only substance to expand as it freezes

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15y ago
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1w ago

No, most solids contract when cooled, as the lower temperature causes the atoms or molecules to move less, leading to a decrease in volume. However, there are exceptions, such as water, which expands when cooled below 4°C before turning into ice.

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9y ago

Though most substances expand, not all expand when heated. This is due to the need of more space for vibration by the atoms or molecules.

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14y ago

Water and Bismuth both have solid forms which occupy a greater volume than they do in their liquid state.

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8y ago

They doesn't expand by cooling (some exceptions exist, as water).

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11y ago


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Q: Do most solids expand when cooled?
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When matter is cooled, its particles slow down and come closer together, leading to a decrease in volume or density. In some cases, this can cause the matter to change state from a gas to a liquid or from a liquid to a solid through processes like condensation or freezing. Cooling can also impact the physical properties of the matter, such as stiffness and brittleness.

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