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yes., the mother stays with the Eggs and Young Babies until they're old enough to care for themselves, the mom bird will only leave if she needs to get food

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Q: Do mother robin birds sleep at night with their baby birds?
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What do birds do at night?


Where do ospreys sleep?

they sleep in big bushy nest made of leaves, branches, mud and twigs

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sleep, all birds but owls sleep at night, their eyes are most similar to humans, so they cant see when it is dark.

Where do birds sleep at night-?

Birds do not sleep in nests as you think, they sleep in the same places they inhabit in the daytime.+++They sleep on the nest if incubating eggs or rearing young - the only time they use nests - otherwise many of them find sheltered roosts reasonably safe from weather and predators.

Where do birds go at night?

most birds fly up into the trees and sleep there...

How does a swallow sleep?

Perched in a tree like all perching birds. The mother may sleep a little while sitting on her eggs, but birds do not build nests for themselves. they only build them for raising young.

What do kiwis do during the day?

Kiwi sleep during the day. They are nocturnal birds that forage for food at night.

Where does Webkinz's Robin sleep?

Where ever you want it to sleep!

How many hours a day do Bird sleep?

The amount of sleep a bird gets per day or night depends upon the bird. Different birds sleep for different amounts of time based on their habitat and proximity to predators. The amount of sleep they need also depends upon the time of year it is. Migrating birds tend to not sleep as often as non-migrating birds. I know where I live, I don't hear the neighborhood birds for about six hours at night from about 9:30 pm until about 3:30 am. They may not necessarily be sleeping during that time but they are also not singing and calling either.

Where do birds live and sleep?

birds live in nests in a tree and sleep in a nest

Why are they called nightingales?

Nightingale birds sing all night long. There is a myth that they don't sleep, but of course, it isn't true.

What are birds thinking during the day?

They are thinking about where their next meal is going to come from and how to stay safe from predators.