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A mountain lion does not only kill for it's food. If it's old or injured it will look for animals that are already dead. But if it can't find any, it looks for weak animals.

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Q: Do mountain lions only kill for food?
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What eat adult mountain lions?

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Can you hear a mountain lions roar from 3 miles away?

No, mountain lions are unable to roar. Only the big cats - lions, tigers, jaguars and leopards - can roar. Mountain lions can scream but not roar. The scream can only be heard fairly close to the animal,

Do mountain lions live in Australia?

No, there are no species of lions in Australia in the wild, only in captivity.

When do African lions move?

African lions move when they see their prey and if they are hungry they try to kill it then eat it. Or African lions only move when they are thirsty or hunger or when they want to move somewhere else to get food.

What are lion's predator's?

Lions have no natural predators. They are on the top of their food chain and have no natural predators that can kill adult lions. However young lions are vulnerable to Hyena's. also, adult Elephants or Hippo's can injure or even kill lions when there is a face off but that happens very rarely.

Are there any mountain lions in Scotland?

Mountain lions are native to the American continents (where, except for Florida USA, they THRIVE). The only Mountain lions in Scotland would be in a zoo, an animal preserve, or a private collection.

Are there mountain lions in Germany?

No, there is a dearth of lions in Germany. We have lynxes though.

How does a mountain lion produce?

Mountain lions are consumers, not producers. Only plants are producers.

Do big cats like the lion have predators?

their only predatrs are manly human. we are not at the top of the food chain though. cheetahs are also killed by lions hyena and eagles kill their babiesLions have no natural predators. Lions are Apex Predators that are on the top of their food chain and have no natural predators that can kill adult lions. However young lions are vulnerable to Hyena's. Also, adult Elephants, Rhino's or Hippo's can injure or even kill lions when there is a face off but that happens very rarely.

How is a predator for a lion?

Lions have no natural predators. Lions are Apex Predators that are on the top of their food chain and have no natural predators that can kill adult lions. However young lions are vulnerable to Hyena's. Also, adult Elephants, Rhino's or Hippo's can injure or even kill lions when there is a face off but that happens very rarely.

What are lions prededors?

Humans are probably the only species that actively seeks out lions to kill. African wild dogs will attack lions when competing over a kill.

Do mountain lions eat wolves?

Actually if a Mountain Lion is fully grown it can hunt down a wolf and eat it!