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No, they don't. Rocks don't cause weathering at all. They are the things which get weathered.

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Mountain rocks are subjected to physical weathering by water, wind, and glacial movement.

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Q: Do mountain rocks cause chemical or mechanical weathering?
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Do acids cause mechanical weathering?

No, acids cause chemical weathering.

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What types of weathering that does not cause chemical changes?

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What contribute to mechanical and chemical weathering?

Mechanical weathering includes abrading or crushing. Chemical weathering includes dissolution in water or acid rain. Oxidation and reduction reactions can also cause chemical weathering.

Weathering that does not cause chemical changes is called?

It is classified as physical or mechanical weathering.

Animal burrows dug in rock that let in water and air chemical or mechanical?

Plant growth is both a chemical and mechanical process. The roots secrete mild acids that dissolve minerals in rocks, and the plant's roots and stems can increase in size and force rocks apart inside cracks and crevices.

Water causes what type of weathering?

Water causes mechanical and chemical weathering.

Is it true that plants can only cause mechanical weathering?

no because it can use something else than the chemical weathering

Does salt on a sidewalk cause mechanical or chemical weathering to the sidewalk?

Chemical, the sodium in the salt exchanges with calcium in the concrete. The chemical products are all water soluble and the surface of the sidewalk washes away.

What does not cause mechanical weathering?

A mechanical action would not cause chemical weathering of rock and soil. For example, using a handheld hammer or jackhammer against a stone or rock.

Can Gravity cause mechanical weathering?

because of the chemical reactions of the abiotic and the digestive system in your body

What is mechanical wearthering?

Mechanical weathering is the process of weathering that causes disintegration in rocks but does not change the chemical compound of the rocks. Things like frost, rivers, and tree roots cause mechanical weathering. A large example of this would be the Grand Canyon in Arizona.