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The brain contains no muscles. It is made up almost entirely of nerve tissues with a bit of connective tissue and certainly the blood vessels and lymphatic drains.

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Q: Do muscles in your brain help you think?
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Do you use muscles to think?

Its pretty obvious, and your brain think not your muscles and your brain tells your muscles what to do so no you don't use muscles to think.

How many muscles are used to think?

Muscles are not used to think. The brain is composed of neurons.

In some reflex action skeletal muscles contract without the involvement of the?

i think its the brain...

Why you need protein?

for the muscles for your brain so you could think better

Which organ in the body help you to move?

Muscles help the body move but are controlled by the Brain/Nervous system.

How do muscles now when to move?

They do it automatically and you don't have to think about it because your brain does it by itself.

Which muscles are called involuntary muscles?

Involuntary muscles operate without your brain telling it too. It does it automatically, if you are thinking or not. Example: your heart continues to beat if you think about it or not

Do you have to think of a movement before it will happen?

With some muscles, called voluntary muscles, you must think of the movement for it to happen. With involuntary muscles, however (like the heart and diaphragm), your brain does the moving automatically without you having to think about it ahead of time.

What do muscles do list two different functions of muscles?

Some muscles (skeletal muscles) will not contract unless stimulated by neurons; other muscles (smooth & cardiac) will contract without nervous stimulation but their contraction can be influenced by the nervous system. Thus, the nervous and muscle systems are closely interconnected.

How does the brain send shock waves to your muscles?

Your brain does not send shock waves to your muscles.

How do muscles work and what work muscles can do?

your muscles are connected to nerves and when its time for your muscles to move your brain signals to the muscles and the signal is carried in the nerves. you muscles can help you walk, smile, frown, stretch and more! basically doing almost everything in everyday life. :0

Does the brain tell voluntary muscles want to do?

All skeletal muscles are voluntarily controlled, meaning you have to think about moving them. Muscles, such as the heart, are involuntary because they are being used constantly and essential for surviving.