

Do mutations in genes affect traits?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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8y ago

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Genes produce proteins that cause traits.

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Kellen Bednar

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Q: Do mutations in genes affect traits?
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Related questions

Why do mutations in gene affect traits?

Genes produce proteins that cause traits.

Why do mutations in genes effect traits?

because genes are the structure for the organism and if u change the structure the outcome is changed

What can affect organisms traits?

genes and the environment

What kind of traits do genes affect?


What are the effects of crossing over and other irregularities in meiosis?

The effects are mutations, which is the source of new genes and traits

Short section of DNA which codes for a particular trait?

This short section of DNA is called a gene. Genes encode specific instructions for the production of proteins, which are essential for various biological functions and traits. Mutations or variations in genes can lead to changes in traits or predisposition to certain traits or diseases.

How do mutations relate to traits?

Mutations cause certain traits.

How does a gene affect the traits of himan?

Recessive and dominant genes are the material that carries the traits of human beings. Traits of humans such as eye and hair color are determined by the combination of genes from your parents.

How mutations might affect the traits of an animal?

it could alter the way the animal moves and how the body works

How do uv rays affect genes?

Yes they do. They are high energy radiations that can even penetrate our skin.

What change in genes or chromosomes that causes a new trait to be inherited?

Mutations create variation in the gene pool by causing new traits to appear

What does het mean in snakes?

It means 'Heterozygous' - Put simply, it means a snake carries the genes of two possible 'mutations' and it's offspring can develop either of the traits.