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No, nerves do not send signals. They transmit signals produced by receptors or the brain or spinal cord.

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Q: Do nerves send signals
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How does the nervous system relate to homeostasis?

The nervous system plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis by regulating and coordinating bodily functions. It detects changes in the internal and external environment, processes this information, and signals the body to make necessary adjustments to maintain a stable internal environment. This communication and control system helps regulate functions such as heart rate, temperature, and hormone levels.

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What is important about the nerves in the head?

to send signals through the body when you touch something hot

What does the body use to send signals through out itself?

Nerves & chemicals (hormones).

When nerves send signals to the brain does it make noise?

No. Not even from the ears. It's a chemical process.

Why does nerves fatigue?

Usually nerves have good capacity to send signals. These signals are send by depolarization waves across the nerve fibers. For re polarization of the nerves, energy is required and if impulses has to be sent more repeatedly than energy can be generated by cells, there will nerve fatigue, for example after an attack of Fit.(Seizer attack.)

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What 12 structures receive and send sensory and motor signals between the body and brain

What is the function of nerve in the nerveous system?

in the nervous system, nerves send signals to the brain. the signals could be how something feels or if you get hurt in some way, the signals tell what kind of pain you will receive.

What transmitte messeges to the brain?

Nerves and brain cells in the brain send electric signals to each other to tell the body what to do.

What sends a message to sensory nerves?

Different stimuli trigger sensory nerves. Such stimuli may include temperature, pressure, vibration, touch, and pain. In answer to your question, nothing sends messages to your sensory nerves. What happens is that these nerves send signals to your brain which then interprets the signals as pain, pleasure, etc. as stated above, never receiving messages.

How do the endocrine and nervous systems work together?

Nerves tell glands when to release chemicals. Nerves send messages to glands. Apex- Nerves instruct glands to send out hormones.

What are 2 basic functions of nerves?

Nerves serve two functions for the body. They give orders to the brain that direct organs and tissues and they send signals about the body's condition or environment to the brain, directing the body to react.