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yes it does

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Q: Do neutrophils use hydroxyl radical to kill bacteria?
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What do neutrophils do to bacteria?

they trap, kill and ingest them

The white blood cells that kill nearby bacteria by releasing chemicals that are identical to household bleach are called?


What does the bacterial enzyme leukocidin do?

This enzyme is produced by some bacteria to kill leukocytes mainly neutrophils. The name leukocidin tells you what it does. Leuko = white + cidin = kill.

Does superoxide help neutrophils to kill bacteria?

yes, a neutrophil will produce an oxidative burst to destroy bacteria faster than by phagocytosis. An oxidative burst may contain superoxide anion, hypochlorite anion, or hydrogen peroxide.

What is The first phagocytic cells to arrive at the site of a bacterial infection?


How do you lower neutrophils?

Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that fight infection and kill microorganisms. Some causes of a low supply of neutrophils are congenital diseases related to the bone marrow, leukemia, radiation and chemotherapy.

What kind of drugs can kill bacteria?

The types of drugs that can kill bacteria are called 'antibiotics'.

Of the granulocytes phagocytosis is characteristic of the neutrophil and the?

Neutrophils are the only granulocytes that phagocytize bacteria. (Granuloctyes include neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.) Eosinophils do NOT phagocytize (eat); they kill parasidic worms by releasing enzymes and chemicals that create holes in the cells' membranes. Two types of agranulocytes are lymphocytes and monocytes. Monocytes function in phagocytosis. Also, monocytes turn into macrophages in tissues.

Does aspirin kill bacteria?

No , aspirin does not kill Bacteria .

What can bacteria do that viruses cannot?

Bacteria can attack and kill cells. White blood cells can kill bacteria.

How do antiseptics work to kill bacteria?

You use them on your hands to kill bacteria. Examples are Hand sanitizers, or soap now how they work to kill them is another question, well they for example inactivate the bacteria remove them make the bacteria "blowup", and they can stop bacteria from growing.

What are the 3 type of white blood cell?

the three types of white blood cells are lymphocytes which produces a chemical called antibodies, to destroy the bacteria. The second type is antitoxins and they neutralise the poisons that the bacteria are making. Another type is phagocytes which engulf (eat) the bacteria into the cytoplasm and kill them