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I dont think so

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Q: Do new leaves grow back in the spring on a blood good Japanese maple after a deer ate the leaves?
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Related questions

What is the scientific name of a Japanese maple?

The scientific name of a Japanese maple is Acer palmatum.

What are the brown spots on the leaves of a Japanese maple?

They are either bacteria or bugs.

Do maple or elm trees keep their leaves all year?

Both maple and elm trees are deciduous, meaning they lose their leaves in the fall and regrow them in the spring. They do not keep their leaves all year round.

Why are my Japanese maple leaves shrivelling?

Its either dry at the roots or suffering from wind burn. Japanese maples require a bit of shelter.

Does a Japanese maple bloom?

Japanese maples flower in Spring but the flowers are insignificant. They are grown for their shape and foliage colour.

Why do they make maple syrup only in the spring?

Maple syrup is made in the spring because that is when maple trees experience a change in temperature that causes the sap to flow. The sap is collected and boiled down to make maple syrup.

What type of maple tree always has red leaves?

No, during the spring they are a bright green. During the fall they turn a nice red.

How can someone select the perfect Japanese Maple tree?

One should examine a Japanese Maple tree carefully before selecting it. Check the leaves, the bark, the roots and the color to make sure the tree is healthy.

Are there maple leaves is maple syrup?

The leaves are not in it but the sap is.

What is the colour of a maple tree?

The leaves of a maple tree can range in color from green in the spring and summer to various shades of red, orange, or yellow in the fall.

Why are Japanese Red Maple leaves wilting?

Japanese Red Maple leaves may be wilting due to issues such as overwatering, underwatering, root-bound plants, or exposure to extreme temperatures. Check the soil moisture, make sure the roots have enough space to grow, and keep the plant in a location with appropriate light and temperature levels.

Is a Japanese maple tree vascular or nonvascular?

All true trees are vascular because they have roots, a stem, and leaves.