

Tree Care

In the modern world of soil compaction and environmental pollution, tree health and life expectancies tend to increase with responsible cultivation practices. For example, they are more likely to maintain proper form and growth if the particular planting, pruning, spraying and watering needs are met. Contributors typically want to know about a tree's planting depth and width, potential pests and stresses, pruning and watering schedules, and treatment options.

1,032 Questions

How was the diamond willow stick discovered?

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The diamond willow stick was discovered by Native American tribes who noticed the unique diamond pattern caused by a fungus infestation on the willow tree. They saw the aesthetic appeal and structural strength of the wood, leading to its use in crafting tools and decorative items.

What kind of root system does a peach tree have?

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A peach tree typically has a fibrous root system. These roots spread out horizontally close to the soil surface rather than growing deep into the ground. This type of root system allows the tree to efficiently absorb water and nutrients from the topsoil.

What does a maple seed need to germinate and grow into a new plant?

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A maple seed needs moisture, proper temperature, and access to oxygen to germinate. Once it sprouts, it requires sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil to grow into a new plant.

Does cutting some mistletoe hurt the tree?

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Yes, cutting mistletoe from a tree can potentially harm the tree, especially if it is removed improperly or in large quantities. Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that relies on the nutrients of the host tree to survive, so removing it can impact the tree's health and growth. It is important to follow proper techniques for mistletoe removal to minimize any negative effects on the tree.

What is the best time of year to plant a weeping willow tree?

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The best time to plant a weeping willow tree is typically in the early spring or fall when temperatures are mild. This allows the tree to establish its roots before extreme weather conditions set in. Avoid planting in the heat of summer or dead of winter to give the tree the best chance of survival.

Can you put tree seeds in a freezer to stratify them?

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Asked by Icyangel2666

Yes, you can put tree seeds in a freezer to stratify them. This process helps break seed dormancy by simulating the cold conditions they would experience in nature, promoting germination when planted. It's important to research the specific stratification requirements for the tree species you are working with to ensure success.

Why are leaves growing on the trunk of your tree?

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Leaves growing on the trunk of a tree can be due to stress or damage caused by factors such as pests, disease, or extreme weather conditions. This new growth may be the tree's way of compensating for lost foliage or trying to survive in challenging conditions. Proper tree care and addressing the underlying issues can help prevent this unusual growth.

Why is it important to cut away dead wood?

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Cutting away dead wood is important because it can pose safety hazards by falling on people or property. Additionally, removing dead wood promotes overall tree health by reducing the risk of disease and insect infestations. It also allows for new growth and improves the aesthetics of the tree.

How do you get roots to grow on a tree branch?

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To encourage roots to grow on a tree branch, you can try air layering. This involves stripping a section of bark, applying rooting hormone, and wrapping the area with moist sphagnum moss and plastic wrap to create a mini greenhouse. Once roots form, you can cut the branch below the new root ball and plant it in soil.

What causes the tree sap to be purple?

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Purple tree sap can be caused by a chemical reaction between the sap and certain minerals or compounds present in the tree. This reaction can create pigments that give the sap a purple color.

Why does ringbarking a tree is likely to kill it?

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Ringbarking a tree involves removing a strip of bark around the circumference of the trunk, which disrupts the flow of nutrients and water between the roots and leaves. This interruption in the tree's vascular system can lead to the tree's eventual death due to lack of essential nutrients and water.

Why is heartwood an important part of the tree?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heartwood provides structural support to the tree and helps it withstand environmental stresses such as wind and gravity. It also serves as a reservoir for stored nutrients and provides defense against pests and diseases due to its high levels of extractives and resins. Additionally, the dark color of heartwood adds to the aesthetic value of the wood.

Why do trees get fungus?

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Asked by Cherygirl

Trees can get fungus due to various factors such as wounds or injuries to the tree, environmental conditions like high humidity or poor air circulation, or through root systems that allow fungi to enter. Fungus can also spread between trees through spores carried by wind or insects.

What is tree coring?

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Tree coring is a method used by researchers to extract a cylindrical sample from a tree trunk in order to study its growth patterns, age, and more. By analyzing the rings visible in the core sample, scientists can gain insight into the tree's environmental history and health.

How can tree roots reduce the risk of mass movement?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tree roots help stabilize soil by binding it together, increasing its cohesion and strength. This can reduce the likelihood of mass movement events like landslides or soil erosion. The roots also absorb excess water, which can help prevent saturation of the soil and decrease the risk of slope failure.

Is tree sap sticky?

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Yes, tree sap is sticky. It is a thick, viscous substance that can adhere to surfaces such as tree bark, tools, and skin.

How does sap coming out of the tree?

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Sap comes out of a tree through internal pressure that builds up and forces the sap to flow through special tubes called xylem. When the tree is injured or tapped (for example, during maple syrup collection), the sap is released through these openings in the bark.

How deep can you bury the trunk of a tree?

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Asked by Gbgood

The depth at which you can bury a tree trunk depends on the type of tree. Generally, it is recommended not to bury the trunk any deeper than the level it was originally planted at, as burying it too deeply can restrict oxygen flow and harm the tree's health. It is best to consult with a tree care professional for specific guidance based on the tree species and situation.

How do tree roots and ice mechanically weather rock?

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Tree roots wedge into cracks in rocks, expanding as they grow and exerting pressure that forces the cracks to widen. This process is known as root wedging. Ice mechanically weathers rock through a process called frost wedging, where water seeps into cracks in rocks, freezes, and expands, causing the rock to break apart.

Is tree sap valuable?

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Yes, tree sap can be valuable as it is often used to make products like maple syrup, which has a commercial value. Some tree saps are also used in traditional medicine or as a source of natural resins for products like varnish or adhesive.

What is one of the main branches of a tree?

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One main branch of a tree is called a primary or central leader. It is the main vertical stem growing upwards from the trunk, giving structure and shape to the tree.

What is tree sap made out of?

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Tree sap is made up of water, sugars, minerals, nutrients, and various compounds specific to the tree species. It serves as a transportation system for nutrients within the tree and also helps to seal wounds and protect against insects and pathogens.

Woody roots tend to grow in a dense network near the surface of the earth?

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Woody roots grow close to the surface of the earth to absorb oxygen from the atmosphere. This network helps provide stability to the tree by anchoring it in the soil. Woody roots also help with water absorption and the exchange of nutrients.

What is the term for the outer softer part that finally becomes the core of a tree?

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The term for the outer softer part of a tree that eventually becomes the core is the cambium layer. This layer is responsible for producing new wood cells that eventually mature into the core of the tree.

What does it mean if a tree ring for a particular year is thin?

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A thin tree ring for a particular year suggests that the tree experienced unfavorable conditions during that growing season, such as drought, disease, or insect infestation. This can impact the tree's growth and health for that specific year.