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Noble gases have completely filled orbitals / energy levels. They generally have 8 valence electrons (helium has only 2 valence electrons) and have stable electronic configuration. Hence they are chemically inert and generally do not form compounds under normal conditions.

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Q: Do noble gases need to react with other noble gases to gain stabilty?
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Noble gases do not react chemically with other noble gases.

What are noble gases that do not react with other elements called?

All noble gases don't react with other elements. Noble or inert gases don't react with other elements because their outer electron shells are completely full. However, the heavier noble gases actually can be forced to react with very electronegative elements like oxygen and fluorine. However, they don't do so readily.

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Noble gases are considered inactive and do not react with any other substance/element.

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These gases generally dont react with any other elements and hence are considered 'noble'.

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Noble gases

Elements that do not typically react with other elements are known as?

Elements in the Periodic Table that are not reactive are called the Noble Gases.

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Noble Gases

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These are noble gases and do not readily react with other substances.

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Noble gases do not react with each other like Xenon and Helium will not react

What gasses are concidered inactive. They do not react with other elements?

it is called noble gases!:)