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That would depend how strictly you defined the term cytoplasm. Cytoplasm consists of many different components, each differing in a different context. That sounds confusing so I'll give it to you in an example, the "cytoplasm" in a cell differs in content of the "cytoplasm" in the nucleus of a cell. Assuming the most general meaning (cytoskeletal filaments that make up that textbook picture of a clear jelly-like substance, which by the way is not an accurate depiction of true cytoplasm in any academic context), then viruses will generally not have any cytoplasm.

The closest they come is the herpes virus, with a outer membrane layer bounding a cluster of proteins surrounding an inner capsid layer. The cluster of proteins can be somewhat seen as a viral "cytoplasm" but I doubt many others would agree given cytoplasm's classical meaning.

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No; instead of a cell membrane, viruses have what is called a capsule, which is similar to a cell membrane.

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Q: Do non living viruses have a cell membrane?
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Living organisms have a cell membrane containing cytoplasm. Some viruses are the exception, being made of proteins, but many types of viruses are surrounded by a lipid membrane.

Is cell membrane living or non living?


Is a cell membrane living or non living?

A cell membrane is part of a cell which unless it has died is a living thing. However on its own the membrane is not "alive".

How are viruses like non living things?

Viruses are not alive. They are infectious particles. They hijack a living cell's DNA and force it to make viruses parts instead of living cell parts. The cell is made to assemble to parts and the new viruses bust out of the cell, killing it, and infect more cells.

Are viruses living or non-living things and why?

Non living Viruses are not an organism at all. They are not alive. They are nonliving. They are like cockle burrs that "grab" hold of your clothing or a dog's coat. They are hijackers. Once they get attached to the cell of a living cell, they can take it over and "make" the living cell produce virus particles instead of cell parts. These particles can assemble into more viruses and then they break out of the cell (killing it) and begin the process again. They cannot make more viruses on their own.

Can non-living things reproduce?

Viruses can reproduce only inside a cell of living organisms. Viruses are sometimes considered non-living structures because they lack cells.

Characteristics of livivng and non-living viruses?

viruses are connecting link between living and non-living, as they show only one character of living biengs i.e. reproduction but that too is in inside living host cell otherwise they are consider as nonlivings

Are viruses non cellular organisms?

Viruses are non-living just like a rock is. Since they are not cells, they can not be alive. However, they can "hijack" a living cell. They have either DNA or RNA which allows this hijacking to occur. By doing this, they can make the host cell make more viruses just like them. This causes the virus to spread.

How does the lytic cycle show that viruses are not living things?

The lytic cycle involves the viruses injecting nucleic acid into the cell to make the cell "sick". The lytic cycle proves viruses are non-living because the only way the cells reproduced at the end of the cycle was because of the host cell. A virus cannot reproduce on its own (only can with a host cell) as to which any living thing could. Viruses are non-living organisms and the lytic cylce proves just that. Viruses alos contain protogramo fluids that kill the cell. These fluids are what mostly make a virus considered non-living for reasons scientists have not yet come to an understanding to. Hope this helped you!:)

What non-living thing is similar to the function of a cell membrane?

A security gate, a protective wall

Which features suggests that viruses are non-living microbes?

They replicate using a host cell's metabolic machinery.

What does a cell walls do?

Cell walls are only found in plant cells. It is made out of a non-living-cellulose (cellulose is found in celery). The cell wall also gives protection to the cell membrane and the cell in general. it protects the cell from being shapeless also the cell wall protects the cell from getting viruses. Like a castle protecting the people inside it - it works in the same format. but also the cell wall is the outer layer of the cell membrane