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Yes. The stripes on each and every numbat are as unique to the individual as fingerprints are to people.

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Q: Do numbats have unique individual markings?
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Why do numbats have individual markings?

cos they can

Do numbats all have different markings?


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Is the numbat Australian?

Yes. Numbats are small marsupials unique to Western Australia.

Are numbats soft?

Numbats have soft fur.

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Yes they do! Just like humans have different facial and body features to make them distinguishable from other humans, cows have different markings, facial and body features that make them distuingishable from other cows, no matter what breed or type they are.

Are numbats threatened?

Numbats are officially listed as endangered.

Do Numbats have lungs?

Yes, numbats have lungs. Numbats are mammals, and all mammals have lungs and a full respiratory system.

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Do numbats live in AZ?

No. Numbats are found only in Western Australia.

What countries territories and states do numbats live in?

Numbats are native to Australia.

What is happening to numbats' endangeredness?

Numbats are still endangered, with a population trend that is decreasing.