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Q: Do objects have to touch for a force to be involved?
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Force that opposes the motion of objects that touch as they pass?


What force makes objects touch?

gravitational, electrostatic, and magnetic forces

What is the force that opposes the motion of objects that touch as they move pass each other?

Force of push or pull

Difference between contact force and those actata a distance?

Contact force means that objects need to be in contact for there to be a force. "Action at a distance" means the objects do NOT need to touch one another directly.

What is a contact force?

when two objects need to touch each other to work, an example for a contact force is static electricity. !

Why there is no force of attraction between closer objects?

If you mean gravitational attraction, there is such a force between ANY two objects. The force depends on the distance (if two objects are closer, the attraction is stronger), and on the masses involved (if the masses are larger, the force is larger). The masses of "everyday" objects, for example two people, are so small (for the purposes of the gravitational force) that the force is hard to measure.

What is a force only exerted when objects touch?

A contact force? The answer really depends on the level of the question. Primary school answer: A pushing or pulling force, or a friction force occur when objects touch. High school answer: Same as above, but 'pushing' and 'pulling' would be replaced with positive and negative. Friction would be defined as a force that opposes motion, and would include air resistance and drag. University answer: Technically, there is no such force, as all forces act at a distance without touching. In fact, objects don't actually 'touch' one another at all. The outer electrons in an object's atoms will repel said electrons from another object's atoms through the electromagnetic force. This only makes it feel like the objects have come into contact with one another, when in fact they haven't.

What are the 2 forces involved in sinking and floating?

Gravity is pulling down, and Buoyancy is pushing up. When the force of gravity is greater than the buoyant force, objects sink. When the buoyant force is greater than the force of gravity, objects float.

Is gravity a form of energy?

Energy is involved, but the gravity between two objects is a force, not an energy.

What two factors the d termine the strength of the force of gravity between two objects?

The mass of each of the objects involved, and the distance between them.

Is static a contact or non-contact force?

it is a noncontact force because before two objects touch, the electical charge held in one of the objects will "jump" to the other object, causing a static shock

The force of gravity depends on what?

-- the product of the masses of the two objects involved -- the distance between their centers of mass