

Do one have to go for a smear after a hysterectomy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Unless your cervix was removed at the time of your hysterectomy then YES as the purpose of the smear is to find cancerous cervical cells before cancer sets in.

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Q: Do one have to go for a smear after a hysterectomy?
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What will happen if no pap smear after hysterectomy?

If you had your cervix removed during hysterectomy, and if the hysterectomy was not done for pap problems, there is no need for pap smear after hysterectomy in most women. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Why a smear test is needed after hystectomy?

A pap smear is required after hysterectomy if the cervix was left intact, or if the hysterectomy was done due to cancer.

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The only treatment for uterine prolapse is surgery, usually hysterectomy. If the smear test is also abnormal, the doctor may also choose to remove the cervix.

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If you have a cervix after your partial hysterectomy, you should continue to get pap smears. If you don't have a cervix, but a hysterectomy was done for pap problems, you should continue vaginal paps. Otherwise, pap smears aren't normally needed. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

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Go Go Smear the Poison Ivy was created in 2007.

Can you get pregnant with a supracervical hysterectomy?

No. A supracervical hysterectomy is the basic operation as it leaves the cervix in place. The uterus/womb is removed and therefore there is no place for an egg to be fertilised. Youe will still need to have smear/pap tests as you will still be at risk of cervical cancer

How long after a miscarriage do you go for pap?

A miscarriage does not change recommendations for pap smear frequency. You go for a pap smear on the schedule recommended at your last pap smear.

Do you still have to have smears after total abdominal hysterectomy with right Salpingo-oophorectomy?

If you are talking about a Pap Smear, the answer is yes. Pap smear is a sample of your cervical tissue which is the lower part of your uterus. Bilateral salpingo-opphorectomy is only removing the fallopian tube and ovaries.

Can a women go threw menapause if she had a hysterectomy but still has her ovaries?

Tes. Menopause is caused by the faling of the ovaries as one ages. A hysterectomy is only removal of womb so unless you have had a bilateral oopherectomy (removal of both ovaries) you will go through the natural menopause.

Will I still go through menopause with a partial hysterectomy?

If you still have your ovaries, you should go through menopause at the normal time for you. With a full hysterectomy, you will experience "surgical menopause."

If you have had a hysterectomy removed ovaries but left the uterus what would cause an abnormal pap smear?

If you have ovaries removed then this is an oopherectomy. If you have had a hysterectomy then only your uterus would have been taken and cervix left. You would therefore still be at risk of cervical cancer so am glad you are still having pap tests. The abnormal results can be treated with loop diathermy or of course you could have the cervix removed which should have been an option when you had your hysterectomy.

When you have a full hysterectomy where does the sperm go?

Just into the vaginal canal.