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Q: Do organisms function only within narrow pH ranges?
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Why is homeostasis importnt to orgnism?

Homeostasis is important because the cells in all living organisms only function properly within a very narrow range of conditions. If this optimum range is not maintained these cells cease to function as they need to.

What can be a disadvantage for multicellular organisms?

Some of the structures formed by specialized cells are dependent upon other structures. If one structure within the organism is unable to function, other structures may not be able to function either. Muliticellular organisms need more energy than single-celled organisms to function.

What is the range in a function called?

A range specified within a function is known as an argument. The pieces of information that functions require are all known as arguments. These can include ranges or other values.

What function would you use to find the largest value in a range of cells?

In Excel, you can use the max() function. You can type a range (or several ranges) within the max() function. For a single range, just type: =max( and select the desired range, then type the closing parenthesis.

A large vesicle that aids in digestion within plant cells is called?

A large vesicle that aids in digestion within plant cells is called a vacuole. This in additional function in eukaryotic organisms called protists.

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A narrow field of study within a larger field is often called a sub-discipline.

What is a narrow field of study within a larger field is called?

A narrow field of study within a larger field is often called a sub-discipline.

What is a narrow field of study within a larger field of study called?

A narrow field of study within a larger field is often called a sub-discipline.

What is an oganelle?

An organelle is a small "micro-organ" which exists within the bodies of single-celled organisms, and fulfills the role larger organs would play in larger organisms. For example, mitochondria are organelles which produce energy, in the form of ATP, for the cell to use.

What is the if function within the if function?

nested if

If Function within an If Function?

Its called nested if

Dose a ocelot migrate?

No, they stay within their home ranges.