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Q: Do other animals eat a whale shark?
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Yes, large animals but not the whale shark.

What animals eat algae or plankton?

A whale shark.

Do whale shark eat large fish or small fish?

The Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) feeds on plankton and small animals.

What type of animal hunt a whale shark?

there are no other animals that eat the whale shark they mostly die from overhunting, done by humans.What_animal_eats_whale_shark

What other animals eat the orca whale?

Nothing a orca can attack a great white shark nothing can get this animal

Can a whale shark eat a thresher shark?

A whale shark is a relatively "friendly" shark. It eats plankton and other small organisms. While the thresher shark can easily fit inside the whale sharks mouth, the whale shark has no desire to consume it. So no, it can't eat a thresher shark. It is not fast enough. -MNM

What eat dolphins?

Two animals do. It is the orca ( also known as the killer whale) and the shark.

Who would win a fight between a whale and a great white shark?

Whale would eat the shark not grind it shark would eat insides shark wins whale loses

What can eat a shark for dolphin?

Nothing can really eat an a shark but a whale but the shark has to be dead.

What are the prey of the whale shark?

The wale shark feeds mainly on Plankton, but it also consumes sardines and anchovies.

Does a whale shark feed on a white shark?

No. Whale sharks only eat plankton

Would a whale shark eat a shark?

No. At least, not on purpose. The whale shark feeds on plankton, as do baleen whales.