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Q: Do other cultures get appendicitis
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Related questions

Can you catch appendicitis from other people?

You do not catch appendicitis from other people.

What is meant by subacute appendicitis?

Appendicitis that is not yet as serious as acute appendicitis.

Where does appendicitis come from?

i want to know where the appendicitis come from? how do you stop the appendicitis?

What is your reaction on appendicitis?

what are the reaction on appendicitis

Is there appendicitis vaccine?

There is no known vaccine for appendicitis.

Can you name the symptoms that may be present in a person suffering from appendicitis?

Someone suffering from appendicitis will have extreme abdominal pain and will be puking very often. Diarrhea, Fatigue, and Lethargy are also common symptoms of Appendicitis, and if you or someone you know has pain in the lower right quadrant of their abdomen in coherence with the other symptoms, appendicitis may be the culprit.

Is appendicitis a proper noun?

No, the noun appendicitis is a common noun, a word for any case of appendicitis in anyone.

Make a sentence using the word appendicitis?

He doesn't have enough money for appendicitis operation. He is suffering from appendicitis, which is an inflammation of the appendix.

The medical term for inflammation of the appendix is what?

The medical term for the appendix is, appendix.

Is appendicitis a noun?

Yes the word appendicitis is a noun. It is a common noun.

Is there such thing as transient appendicitis?

Some attacks of appendicitis are mild and transient.

What is the treatment for appendicitis?

The appendectomy operation is the treatment of choice for appendicitis.