

Do other people know about hieroglyphics?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Many people know about hieroglyphics. In fact, many people can read them.

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Q: Do other people know about hieroglyphics?
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Are there different types of hieroglyphics?

the answer is there could be other types of hieroglyphics we just might not know about those particular ones.

What groups of people in ancient Egypt know how to write hieroglyphics?


How many people use hieroglyphics in other countries?

Nobody uses hieroglyphics in any country, except as decorations to create an "Egyptian" theme.

Which country did people use hieroglyphics to write?

The country that people had used hieroglyphics was Egypt.

How hieroglyphics affact people?

Hieroglyphics affect people because when you try you tried to read it but it hard for some people

Why is there hieroglyphics?

hieroglyphics was there in Egypt because that is how the people in Egypt can communicate to others.

What is the name of people who used to write hieroglyphics?

Scribes wrote hieroglyphics. Priests and royalty were also taught hieroglyphics.

What is the significance of hieroglyphics to the present?

There are many things about Ancient Egypt whcih we still do not know, and there are many inscriptions and other writings in hieroglyphics which need to be translated. It is therefore still very important for those who are uncovering this important part of our past to understand hieroglyphics.

How do you know hieroglyphics exist?

Because there are thousands of examples: buildings, tombs, monuments and documents written hieroglyphics.

What kind of writing did ancient Egyptians do?

the Egyptians used hieroglyphics as writing until other people concured them then hieroglyphics was forgotten until hundreds of years later when we started opening tombs of ancient Egypt.

How do people know about ancient Egypt?

people know about ancient Egypt because of the work of great archeoligist such as howard carter and jean francois champillion Rosetta Stone help decode the hieroglyphics

Why cant you translate the hieroglyphics?

You can. You just need to learn the Egyptian language. Thousands of people can translate hieroglyphics.