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All religions are equally good - or equally unable - at proving the existence of their god(s) of choice.

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Every religion can prove - to the satisfaction of its adherents - that its God or gods exist.

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Q: Do other religions have any proof that those gods are real?
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Who worships false gods?

All gods are real to their own followers, but may be considered false to followers of other gods. So, the concept of 'false gods' is, to some extent, a theological one. The more intolerant religions may call the gods of other religions 'false', while those religions that practise tolerance merely say, "we do not believe in that God (or those gods)."

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For Christians, the gods of other religions are not true gods, but for followers of other religions, Jesus is not true, except possibly as a good man who once lived in Palestine. Those who sincerely follow other religions continue to need their icons, or "idols", to help them pray to the gods.

Are the Greek gods out of the mythology actual living beings?

They were just like gods in other religions.

Do other religions try to earn god's love?

yes other religions believe in and receive gods love such as greek orthadox

Has anybody seen the greek gods?

No, but then all the major religions make the same claim for their god(s). The difference in other religions is that the Greeks had many gods, most modern religions have only one.

What can other religions learn from Jews?

Constant obedience to Gods laws .

What was the Rome's policy toward different religions in the early empire?

Rome was tolerant of religions that differed from the standard state gods as long as the worship of those foreign gods did not involve decadence or preach treason.

Romans on how the practice of other religions as long as people what?

The Romans were generally tolerant of other religions as long as the participants also honored the Roman gods.

How did the Greek gods come to an end?

They were replaced by other religions: Christianity, Islam.

When religion that believes in many gods is?

Religions that believe in many Gods are called Polytheistic religions- ones that believe in only one are called Monotheistic, those that believe in two are called Dualistic.

What do taoists believe about Jesus Christ?

AnswerTaoism is an inclusive religion in that it does not reject the gods of other religions. While Taoists worship their own gods, they would not claim that the gods of other religions, such as Christianity, do not exist. Individual beliefs vary even more widely than do those of Christians, but I have put that question to a Taoist priest. Jesus, as a God of Christianity, would be accepted as probably real, but not relevant to followers of Taoism.

God is true or not?

A belief in god or gods is a matter of faith not physical proof. Those that believe do not require it, those that require it do not believe.