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Parakeets are technically omnivores, but the animal-derived food that they normally eat is the occasional insect. It's not common for them to eat meat. It is possible for a parakeet to eat its own young but it is not likely. An inexperienced parent bird may kill its chicks but it probably will not eat them.

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12y ago

Well parakeets don't eat other parakeets but they do eat the eggs that don't hatch. :/

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The parakeets would much rather be with other parakeets, THEY ARE FLOCK BIRDS!!! However, if you have more than one parakeet, they will not bond to you because they are bonding to the other parakeets. The reason that parakeets bond so well is that they are flock birds and so if you make yourself part of their flock, they will bond very well. But if you are wondering what would make them happy, they would much rather be with other parakeets. A good parakeet site is

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The population of parakeets goes up. The population of flies goes down.

Can parakeets eat worms?

yes. parakeets can eat worms. i am currently owning a parakeet and have for 70 years. i am an avian vet and have great looking birds. parakeet can eat worms but it is not part of their main diet, pellets and seeds and greens, such as lettuce, celery and fruits such as strawberries, and grapes, are much better for them, also parakeets don't like meat much so don't try feeding them worms to often.