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Paranormal phenomena can be classified as many things from psychic abilities, to experiences of ghosts, to UFOs to BigFoot and related cryptozoological phenomena.

Research parapscyhology is the scientific study of extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK). These areas do offer some evidence of some paranormal phenomena.

ESP seems to involve influencing people's minds. Telepathy, clarivoyance (remote viewing) and mediumship have all been studied in controlled and replicated laboratory experiments successfully. Results have been published in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Parapsycholgy.

Likewise PK has also be reliably studied and results similarly published. PK seems to invovle influencing the environment with the mind. On the level of common experience, this is known as macro PK. A well-known phenomenon associated with macro PK is the poltergeist phenomenon. PK on the molecular level is known as micro PK. This has been studied in the laboratory with perturbations of delicately balanced mechanical systems as well as influence on random-number and random-event generators.

What is known now is that there is significant evidence that ESP and PK are quite real. But there are reasonable limits. For example, while it has been established that 'anomalous information' can be known at least in gifted subjects, it is unknown how they receive that information or what the true source of the information is. In other words, mediumistic and psychic abilities are proven, but science has no idea if these abilties indicate the existence of discarnates or prove survival of bodily death. There is simply no way to know.

It has been likewise demonstrated that PK is real. But science has no explanation for how these phenomena in fact manifest. Indeed, these reliable findings strongly suggest that classical physical laws are in need of revision. Many theoretical phsycists concur and a general trend in leading-edge physics is to question the completeness and correctness of modern classical physical laws.

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