

Do parents recremend cell phones for kids?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Some Do Some Don't. It matters How Old The Children Are.

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Q: Do parents recremend cell phones for kids?
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yes because they can now if they are in danger

How many kids have cell phones?

Well I got my first cell phone when I was 8. So you have to talk to your parents about that.

Should kids have cell phones?

I think kids should have cell phones if they know what and what not to do with them .

Is it appropreite for kids to have cell phones?

yes, it is appropriate for kids to have cell phones for socialization.

What percent of kids have cell phones?

The majority of kids in the US have cell phones. Since the question was asked in 2008, costs of cell phones have dropped to point where price is not a barrier to owning them.

Where can I find info on the best phones for kids?

A great source for cell phones on kids is Go to Home > Electronics > Cell Phones > Best Kids Cell Phones. It has a great comparison of several phones and carriers.

Why are cell phones useful to homescholed kids?

why are cell phones useful to home schooled kids

Why should kids not have cell phones?

Kids should have a cell phone for protection bottom line. And safe parents would do this for teens especially because you can keep an eye on your child.

Does Kajeet have kids cell phones?

Kajeet does have kids cell phones that come with many features such as GPS, feature manager, time limiting controls, and other features. This allows parents to help keep track of their child's cell phone use.

How many parents think kids should have cell phones in school?

over 1000 people lol

What type of cell phone deals does FireFly offer?

Firefly mobile makes phones that are real, functional cell phones designed just for kids. They offer features parents love, and the kids find them easy to use and 'cool'.

Should kids have cellphones?

it depends. most parents get them for safety reasons. so some kids should have cell phones. but depending on the age.