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This is one of the unsolved problems in physics. Some physicists believe that magnetic monopoles (i.e., magnetic charges) should exist, but none have been found yet.

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Q: Do particles that carry a magnetic charge exist?
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What are the charged paticles that exist?

There are only two kind of charge particles, the positive and negative charge particle. The positive charge is called proton and the negative charge is called electron. There are also numerous other charge negative, positive particles out there beside the one mention here but they only exist in a fleeting amount of times then disintegrated into pure energy.

What is a particle with no charge called?

Neutral (ba-dump-tsssh!). There are a number of particles with no electric charge, including but not limited to"NeutronsNeutrinos (all varieties)PhotonsGluons (gluons carry "color charge", but not electric charge)Gravitons (provided they exist; the jury is still out on that)

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Do black holes have a magnetic charge?

A black hole can have an electric charge if it swallows electrically charged objects, but no objects that we know of have magnetic charge. Magnets always have both a north pole and a south pole; there is no evidence that one can exist alone. A lone north or south pole would be called a magnetic monopole, and would have magnetic charge. If we discovered a magnetic monopole and fed it to a black hole then the black hole would gain the magnetic charge.

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In most compounds, the nitrogen in NH2 has a partial negative charge while the hydrogen each carry a partial positive charge. It can also exist as the Amide ion with a full negative charge.

What is difference between electric and magnet current?

Electric Current I= V/R where V is volts and R is resistance; Magnetic Current I=Hw where H is the Magnetic Intensity and w is the wave distance.

Why would the earth cease to exist without the earths magnetic field?

There are certain high-energy particles electrically charged particles that are emitted from the sun and travel toward our planet. These particles are called Cosmic Rays. If they were allowed to strike the earth, they would kill all life on the planet. However, the earth's magnetic field deflects the vast majority of these particles, keeping them from hitting the planet. If the magnetic field was too small, it would not deflect enough of these Cosmic Rays. If the field was too strong, it would deflect the cosmic rays, but it would cause a deadly magnetic storm that would make life impossible!

Is pushing or pulling force that exist when a magnetic material is near?

Magnetic field

Dust particles exist in what phase?

Dust particles are solids.

Why magnet do not have only N pole?

Magnetism is the result of moving electrical charges - and such movement will always result in a dipole.On the other hand, it has indeed been considered, by some modern theories, that there might be so-called "magnetic monopoles" - particles with only a north (or south) magnetic "charge" but no such monopoles have been observed so far. Perhaps the monopoles - should they exist - are too massive to be created in particle accelerators, for example.

Can an electric field exist without a magnetic field?

An electric field can exist even without the presence of a magnetic field. An example of this is a stationary electric field.

What phase do dust particles exist?

Dust particles are tiny particles of solid material.