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No, but they are usually paid much less than it costs them to live for that period of time.

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Q: Do pediatricians pay for residency
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How much do pediatricians make during their residency?

Pediatricians will get paid a stipend to live on while they are doing their residency. The will get paid less than an actual pediatrician and may receive between $30,000 to $45,000 a year, but that will depend on where they do their residency.

Where would you have to live if you wanted to be a pediatrician?

Pediatricians are in demand worldwide, so location is not so much an issue as acquiring the education. Most pediatricians have four years undergraduate study, 4 year medical degree and then their residency before private practice.

How much do peditricions get paid at the end of the job?

Pediatricians are doctors who take care of children. The pay for pediatricians depends on the practice they work for, and how much they charge for their services.

How long is training for pediatricians?

The same as for other physdicians - 4 years undergraduate, 4 years of Medical School, Internship (1-2 years), at least one years of Residency.

How much is a pediatrician monthly pay?

Most pediatricians make between 8,000 and 10,000 per month.

What is the education and training requirments to be a pediatricians?

4 years in college for bachelor's degree take the MACT(a prep test) 4 years in medical schooling 3-5 years in residency or internships

How long do pediatricians go to school?

8 years 4 undergrad 4 medical then you need residency which is 3-4 years

What is the dressing code for pediatricians?

pediatricians have no dress code when there at work but pediatricians in training usually wear scrubbs.

Why are pediatricians needed?

pediatricians needed to treat kids

What is a general primary care pediatrician?

do pediatricians work with alot of babies? do pediatricians work with alot of babies? do pediatricians work with alot of babies? do pediatricians work with alot of babies?

Who is a Pediatricians apprentiship?

If pediatricians were to have an apprentice, it would be a pediatric resident.

Are pediatricians only from the US?

No there are also pediatricians in other countries.